The Usage

Add this line to your code

public EBDL ebdl = new EBDL();

Amd continiue by using these:

ebdl.smite("Player", "world"); - Smites the player in world        

player.getInventory().addItem(ebdl.itemExtras(material, amountItems, (short) durability, ChatColor.BOLD + "Name", ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "Second Lore", ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Third Lore", ChatColor.BLACK + "Fourth Lore")); - Adds an item, amount of items, durability, name and lore      

player.openInventory(ebdl.newInventory(player, slotsAmount, ChatColor.GREEN + "Name")); - Creates a new player's inventory and opens it     
player.sendMessage(ebdl.random(first, second) + ""); - Sends player a random number, between first and second number          

item.removeEnchantment(ebdl.unEnchant(player)); - Removes all enchantments from an item in player's hand          

ebdl.createScoreboard("Name", playerName, "First Score", "Second Score", "Third Score", "Fourth Score", "Fifth Score", First Score Int, Second Score Int, Third Score Int, Fourth Score Int, Fifth Score Int); - Creates a scoreboard

ebdl.integerToString(int, "StringName") ;- Converts integer into string, called StringName        

ebdl.console("Hello!"); - Replaces getLogger().info("Hello!");     

ebdl.playSound(player, sound, volume, pitch); - Plays a sound at a player      

ebdl.potionEffect(player, potionEffectType, duration, amplifier); - Affects a player with a potion effect     

ebdl.enchanting(player); - Opens up an enchantment table at a player      

ebdl.workbench(player); - Opens up a workbench for a player     

ebdl.performCommands(player, "cmd1", "cmd2", "cmd3", "cmd4", "cmd5", "cmd6"); - Performs commands for a player


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