Welcome to EAuctions. This plugin is made for owners that wants an auctions feature on their servers. This allows players to start an auction on command. When an auction takes place other players can bid on it using /bid. The player with the highest bid wins the auction and the item the player auctioned.
For this plugin to work you will need Vault. Vault makes sure that the Economy is working and that players get their money. Without Vault the plugin will automaticlly disable itself.
You will also need an economy plugin. E.g.: Essentials, iConomy, or any other economy plugin that is supported by Vault. There is a list on the Vault page of supported economy plugins.
You can have BarAPI too if you wish, it just makes for a dynamic way of auctioning. It adds a bar when an auction begins, which can be specified in the config.
- Adds auctions to your server.
- Let your players get money for their goods.
Coming soon: {
- Enable / Disable:
- Auctioning renamed items.
- Auctioning items with lore.
Note: For any subcommand to work the player or their group needs "eauctions.auction" Without that no subcommand will work.
Command | Description | Permission |
/auction | Shows help and commands. | eauctions.auction |
/auction info | Shows auction info. | eauctions.auction.info |
/auction developer | Shows the developers | eauctions.auction.developer |
/auc [item] [starting bid] [bid increasment] | Starts an auction. | eauctions.auction.start |
/bid | Bid on an auction. | eauctions.bid |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | ##################################### # 0-------------------------------0 # # | EAuctions | # # 0-------------------------------0 # ##################################### # List all items you don't want # to be able to get auctioned # here, the list is sorted with # - e.g.: - GOLDEN_APPLE # - DIAMOND disabled-items: - bedrock # If you want the auction to be # cancelled on reload then put this # to true, if not (Will cancel the # event of reloading) put it to false cancel-auction-on-reload: false # Set the message for BarAPI. # BarAPI is an option plugin # to use with EAuctions, but it # makes for dynamic auctioning. barapi-message: '&6The auction has&d %s &6seconds remaining.' # General stuff auctioning: chat: # If this is true, the player that # currently is the owner of the # auction will get a prefix use-nicks: true # The prefix that a player will # be given when they are the # auction owner. prefix: '&7[Auction-Owner]' |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | prefix: '§bEAuctions> ' prefixwithvault: '§bEAuctions/Vault> ' itemlisted: §6Item listed. nobids: §cThe auction ended up with no bids. newauction: §c{player}§6 has started an auction; newauctionitem: '§d{amount} §6of §d{displayname} (ID: {id}:{data})' newauctiontime: §6Auction lasts for §d{seconds} seconds§6. newauctionprices: '§6Starting bid: §a${start} §6Bid increasment: §a${increase}§6.' enchantments: '§6Enchantments: §d{ench}' newauctioninfo: §6Type §d/auction info §6for more information. dollargiven: §6You were given §a${money}§6. error: §c{error} notenoughitems: §cYou do not have enough of this item to auction it. alreadyauctioninghandle: §cThere is already an auction being handled. blacklisted: §cThat item is black-listed from being auctioned. remaining: §6The auction has §d{time} §6remaining. firstbid: §c{player}§6 has bid §a${start} §6on the §d{displayname}§6. bid: §c{player}§6 has raised the bid to §a${price} §6on the §d{displayname}§6. alreadyleading: §cYou already have the lead of the auction. noauctionair: §cYou cannot auction air. argnumbers: §cThe arguments have to be numbers. noreload: §cYou cannot reload the server during an auction. nopermission: §cYou do not have permission to perform this command. noauction: §cThere is no auction. nobidown: §cYou cannot bid on your own auction. |
- (Need suggestions)
Create a ticket to suggest features or give me bugs to fix.
What is the EAuction permission nodes??? You need 1 so I could put for my groups! ._. This is good plugin I can found others like floAuction isn't working for me :(
Let me know when the new version is released, and link us to donation if you have. We would like to contribute a little back to you.
You need to make sure you have the text surrounded with ' ' e.g.: '§aHello'
My users love this, cancel would be a great command though. Thank you for the awesome plugin
IP: play.MinecraftGods.com
Hello, i'm a french user of this plugins and i try to modify language.yml but when i use "§" or "&" for color code i have an error :/ how to modify language file pliz !
Not working<sub> It kept saying You do not have the permission when the player already has the perms.</sub>
Yes I will add that to the description when I get time.
It'd be nice if you could provide some permission nodes so i know exactly what i can give to my ranks