This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



EasyRTP is a plugin that provides an easy plugin for server owners to random teleport to their server! The plugin provides a countdown, to prevent the server from lagging when players spam the command. The plugin won't let players tp in lava, a stone block will then be generated under the player!


  • Custom messages
  • Custom prefix
  • Set a minimum distance
  • Set a maximum distance
  • Disable RTP in certain worlds
  • Custom countdown time


  • /rtp (Teleports the player to a random location with a distance within the minimum and maximum distance)
  • /wild, /randomtp, /randomteleport (alias for rtp)
  • /easyrtp reload (reload the config file)

The plugin only has a permission for reloading!

  • easyrtp.reload

Generating terrain can be a hard process for servers, for that reason, I implemented a countdown, so players can't spam RTP, and overload the server.

What about safety?

It could be that a player will be teleported on a lava pool, in that case, the plugin will generate a stone block under the player!

Minimum and maximum distance

The player will be teleported to new coordinates, with a random distance that is within the min and max range from the config.yml file.

#                    EasyRTP Configuration File                      #
#     You're free to edit the settings, the range and messages!      #
#                                -                                   #
#       Let me know if you need any help with the plugin!            #
#     Mail: [email protected]                                     #
#     Discord: Matthias#3617                                         #
#     Website: www.vexcraft.nl/plugin/EasyRTP                        #
#     Spigot page:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/easyrtp.82105/  #
#  Minecraft color codes: https://minecraft.tools/en/color-code.php  #
config-version: 1.3

  prefix: "&8[&4EasyRTP&8]"
  countdown: 120 #seconds

- 'world_nether'
- 'world_the_end'
  max: 750 #blocks
  min: 100
#prefix is added automatically
  executed-from-console: "&4I'm sorry, only players can execute %command%"
  player-tped: "&2You've been tp'ed %distance% blocks from where you started!"
  countdown: "&2You must wait for %time% seconds!"
  reload: "&2EasyRTP has been reloaded successfully!"
  not-in-this-world: "&2RTP is not allowed in this world!"
  no-permissions: "&2You don't have the permissions to use %command%"
EasyRTP Bstats



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 1, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Aug 1, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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