Lite Survival Games Manager

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Lite Survival Games Manager

This project is abandoned. Use an alternative plugin.


Survival Games have become popular in Minecraft recently, with the Hunger Games movie. The goal of the game is simple: survive. Players must adapt to the environment, find resources, and - most importantly - kill. The last player standing is the winner. The goal of this plugin is to allow players to run servers - whether big, public servers or smaller ones with friends - easily and make the experience more enjoyable. The hope for this plugins release is to allow admins to add maps, configure the plugin, then run the server and take the day off. Making the entire game automatic and requiring no admin at all.


  • Create a backup of the world to reload after the match
  • Automatically refill select chests with select items
  • Set players to spectate mode after death
  • Changeable time limit
  • Automatically restart and reload world after the match.
  • Allow admins to set hosts with simple commands
  • Keep track of individual scores
  • Store data in a SQLite file
  • Allow a server to load different maps in a map cycle
  • Allow multiple spawn points to be set up
  • Black or white list blocks that can't or can be broken, respectively, by players in-game
  • Voting to start a game without an admin
  • Selecting a button/lever to be triggered on game start
  • Auto start with minimum players
  • Peace time
  • Players kicked after death

Spectate mode will god players, allow them to fly, make them invisible, and prevent them from interacting with the world. They can also teleport to players.


  1. Set the server up for auto restart. See the section below.
  2. Edit the config files to your liking. They should be config.yml and blocks.yml in the plugins/LSGM folder.
  3. Add a map to the map cycle. Type /lsgm addmap <mapname>. You can add as many maps as you'd like, they'll be randomly picked from the file (same map can not be repeated) to be loaded on restart.
  4. Set spawns. You will want an individual spawn for the maximum players on your server. If there are too few spawns, more than one player should be spawned at a spawn point. Stand on the spawn point and type /lsgm addspawn <id>.
  5. Add chests. Chests will be automatically refilled on a set time or will be refilled on the command /lsgm fillchests. Look at the chest and type /lsgm addchest <id> [group], or - if you feel that your computer can handle it - type /lsgm addchest all and every chest on the map will be found automatically. You must fly around and make sure you load every chunk on the world to get every chests! Currently, we can only find chests on loaded blocks.
  6. Back up the world. This allows the world to revert to its original state when it is loaded next. Just type /lsgm backup.
  7. If necessary, add a start button or a lever. This will be activate when the game starts. Look at it and type /lsgm addbutton <id>
  8. Start the game. Go ahead and type /lsgm start [chest refill delay in minutes] [time limit in minutes]. If you do not specify a refill delay or a time limit, they will default to a 15 minute refill delay and no time limit.
  9. Check for bugs! There are probably going to be a lot. Not an understatement.
  10. Type /lsgm help for various other commands.
  11. If set, the server will automatically restart after the game.

Recommended: Download AntiCheat to easily disable client mods and prevent exploitation!

Auto Restart

In order for the server to start up again after the plugin has stopped it, you must change the file you use to run the server (e.g., RUN.bat). You will need to loop through the java -jar command so that it is ran when the server goes down. See the examples below:

Windows (*.bat)

java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar
goto start

Mac/Linux (*.sh)


BINDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")")
cd "$BINDIR"
while true
java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar


General command usage: /lsgm <command> [args]

  • backup - Makes a backup of the world, to be loaded on the next game.
  • addmap - Adds map to maplist. Usage: /lsgm addmap <map>
  • delmap - Removes a map from the map list. Usage: /lsgm delmap <map | all>
  • listmaps - Lists the maps on the map list.
  • addchest - Adds the chest you are looking at to the refill list. Usage: /lsgm addchest <id> [group]
  • delchest - Removes the chest you are looking at from the refill list. Usage: /lsgm delchest <id | all>
  • listchests - Lists all of the chests on the refill list.
  • fillchests - Fills all of the chests on the refill list.
  • info - Display game info. Usage: /lsgm info [player]
  • start - Start the games. Usage: /lsgm start [chest fill delay] [time limit]
  • stop - Stop the games.
  • addspawn - Add a spawn point where you are. Usage: /lsgm addspawn <id>
  • delspawn - Remove a spawn point. Usage: /lsgm delspawn <id | all>
  • sethost - Make a player a host. Usage: /lsgm sethost <player> <true | false>
  • reload - Reload the config
  • votestart - Vote to start a game
  • addbuton - Add the button/lever you're looking at to buttons/levers to be triggered on game start. Usage: /lsgm addbutton <id>
  • delbutton - Remove a start button. Usage: /lsgm delbutton <id | all>
  • listbuttons - List ALL the start buttons!


  • lsgm.backup:
    Back up worlds
  • lsgm.access:
    Use LSGM commands
  • lsgm.fillchests:
    Refill chests
  • lsgm.addchest:
    Add chests to the database
  • lsgm.removechest:
    Remove chests from the database
  • lsgm.addmap:
    Add maps to the map cycle
  • lsgm.removemap:
    Remove maps from the map cycle
  • lsgm.start:
    Start the game
  • lsgm.stop:
    Stop the game
  • lsgm.addspawn:
    Add a spawn point
  • lsgm.delspawn:
    Remove a spawn point
  • lsgm.sethost:
    Make a player a host
  • lsgm.reload:
    Reload the config
  • lsgm.addbuton:
    Add a start button
  • lsgm.delbutton
    Remove a start button



This is the general config file.

# -- blocklist-type
# Use "black list" if you want what is in blocks.yml to not be broken by players. 
# Use "white list" if you want the blocks in blocks.yml - and only those blocks - to be allowed to be broken by players. 
# If you do not want to block anything, leave this as black list and leave blocks.yml empty
# Warning: If this is set to white list and blocks.yml is empty, then no blocks can be broken.
# -- time-limit
# Default time limit in minutes; set to 0 for no time limit.
# -- auto-restart
# Set to "true" to automatically restart the server after a game, otherwise set to "false."
# -- restart-delay
# Time - in seconds - to wait before the server restarts.
# -- alow-vote-start
# Set to "true" to allow players to vote to start the game, otherwise set to "false."
# -- minimum-players
# Minimum players needed to start a game via voting. Will be ignored if less than 2.
# -- auto-start
# Start automatically when minimum players reached.
# -- auto-start-delay
# Time to wait for more players before game auto starts (minutes).
# -- allow-spectators
# Whether or not people can stay in the game after they die and spectators can join while the game is in progress. True/false
# -- peace-time-length
# The length (in minutes) players can not attack one another at the start. 0 allows players to attack one another immediatally.
# -- refill-delay
# Default automatic chest refill delay in minutes; set to 0 for no automatic refills.
# -- refill-group
# Chest group to be refilled automatically; leave default if you do not use custom groups.
# -- refill-items
# Items eligible to be placed into chests on automatic refill; format: itemid amount.
# For now, the only way to set the probability of getting a certain item to be higher, you must add the item more than once.
blocklist-type: white list
time-limit: 0
auto-restart: true
restart-delay: 5
allow-vote-start: true
minimum-players: 2
auto-start: false
auto-start-delay: 5
allow-spectators: true
peace-time-length: 0
refill-delay: 15
refill-group: default


The blocks to be used in the white/black list. Use the block's ID, not the name.

# These are the blocks to be used with the white/black list. 
# See the example below for how to format this file. Use the block's id in the list. 
# Do NOT use tabs or allow you text editor to auto-tab! When indenting to list the ID, use two spaces!
   - 0
   - 7


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 4, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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