

This is a plugin that adds easter eggs in Minecraft.
Type /easteregg give and you will get a stack of random eggs.
Each time you type this command you get an egg with random colors.
Then, throw an egg and, if you have the permissions, a message will be broadcasted saying you have created an egg.
If someone picks an egg up, he will get a random reward from the config.
It can be a ban, a kit, items or whatever you want (it has to be a command).
If a player pickups an egg, a message will be broadcasted saying what he won (only works for /give).
These eggs won't despawn but clearlagg will delete them, so please add 383 (id of the egg) in the config.

Have fun with EasterHunt!

Commands & Permissions:

/easteregg: Main command for EasterHunt.
/easteregg give: Gives you an easter egg.
/easteregg respawning: Changes the egg you hold to respawn or not.
/easteregg forcerespawn: Instantly respawns all pending eggs.
/easteregg clear: Clears all eggs on ground.
/easteregg reload: Reloads the config.

easterhunt.giveegg: Lets you clears all the eggs on ground.
easterhunt.clear: Lets you get an easter egg with.
easterhunt.forcerespawn: Lets you respawn all pending eggs.
easterhunt.togglerespawning: Lets you change an egg to respawning or not.
easterhunt.createegg: Lets you create an easter egg.
easterhunt.createautoegg: Lets you create a automatically respawning egg.
easterhunt.reload: Lets you reload the config.

New features ideas 

• /easteregg rewards - allows to list and edit the rewards with an in-game GUI

Comment down below your ideas!!


Video tutorials

If you have made a video on this plugin, make sure to tell me in the comments down below!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 29, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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