Easter Egg Hunt

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Easter Egg Hunt

EasterEggHunt is a Minigames addon to allow creating Easter Egg hunts.

In this gamemode, players have to find and collect Easter Eggs. This gamemode can be played in Singleplayer mode, or Multiplayer mode


Click the pictures for a large version
GameStart (Click for big picture) Egg list book (initial) (Click for big picture) Collected Egg (Click for big picture) Egg list book (updated) (Click for big picture) Already collected egg (Click for big picture)


How to set up

  1. First you will need a minigame.
    See Introduction to Creating Minigames for instructions
  2. You will need to give the minigame the "egghunt" scoretype.
    /mg set <minigame> scoretype egghunt
  3. You will need to add flags for players to collect.
    /mg set <minigame> flag add <name>
    Add one for every egg you wish to add
  4. Place the eggs.
    You must do this for each flag in the minigame (if you forget one they players wont be able to win)
    Use the command:
    /eecreate <name>
    Then RIGHT click where you want the egg to be.

    If you make a mistake you can remove an egg with:
    Then click the block the egg is in.
    Dont forget to use /eeremove again to exit remove mode
  5. Enable the minigame and play.

How to clean up

You can either remove eggs one by one by going into remove mode with


you can do a removeall
/eeremoveall [radius]

If you remove this plugin without removing the EasterEggs, players will be able to pick them up so DONT FORGET
Also remember to remove the minigame first as the scoretype will not exist anymore


<argument> is required
[argument] is optional

All these commands require the permission:
Given to OPs by default

/eecreate <name>
Allows you to place an EasterEgg named <name>
Toggles EasterEgg remove mode. Click the ground under the egg to remove the egg
/eeremoveall [radius]
Removes all EasterEggs in the world, or within [radius]

Source Code

Source is on GitHub
Build with maven


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 13, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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