As there is a more recent alternative to this mod, http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dynmap-precious-stones/, I am discontinuing further updates.
Version 0.40
Current Release
Latest stable and unstable builds
Source Code
IRC: irc.esper.net #dynmap
Supported versions:
- Dynmap v1.3 or later
- PreciousStones 9.5.5 or later
Dynmap-PreciousStones provides a simple way to add visibility of PreciousStones protection fields to Dynmap's maps. The plugin depends on the presence of both Dynmap and PreciousStones, and interacts directly with the PreciousStones API. Updates to zones are automatically updated (on a settable period - default is once per 5 minutes (300 seconds)). By default, the plugin will be active after simply installing it (by unzipping the distribution into the plugins/ directory and restarting the server.
Visibility of the different types of protection fields can be controlled with the ''visibilityfields' setting. The 'hiddenfields' setting can be used to
selectively hide fields, by owner (using 'owner:<ownerid>') or by world (using 'world:<world-id>').
Also, the display of the region outlines can be restricted to a minimum zoom-in level, via the 'minzoom' setting. When non-zero, this setting causes the region outlines to only be displayed at or beyond the given zoom-in level.
Finally, the display style for different field types can be tailored using the 'custstyle' settings.
After the first load, there will be a config.yml file in the plugins/Dynmap-PreciousStones directory. Details of the default configuration, and all the provided settings, can be found here
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
^Hi, CHECK THIS Dynmap 1.16.5 custom CSS/HTML Screen shot.
The user Jabbablock has given permission to use the name in the pic.
I did some custom CSS and HTML codes for Dynmap + Dynmap-PreciousStones.
Works fine in 1.16.5 but you must make sure the config blocks match the
pstones in the preciousstones config.yml.
I dropped all my current preciousstones + dynmap preciousstones .jar files + config
here, if interested. THIS IS A SELF FIXED MC 1.15.x to 1.16.x Dynmap-PreciousStones.jar, not a Simpleclans version as below!
Example custom css below for the pic above.
Paste this or any valid varient into the config infowindow: entry in
NO? Then post me a link showing a better dynmap CSS/HTML. Cheers :D
Hey there! I have updated this plugin for the latest version: FireController1847/DynmapPS: Show your PreciousStones on your Dynmap for your Minecraft server, with support for SimpleClans. (github.com)
Thanks for this plugin
Is there anybody that can continue this project ??
Updated version is located at dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dynmap-precious-stones/
MikePrimm rocks!
Never mind my error report, got your jar mixed up with the one from the other nearly identically named plugin.. Your version is working like a charm and has a properly set up config. Thank you.
Anyone know if 0.4 is meant for CB1.4.5 r2?
Please update to 1.4.5
Pleas update 1.4.5 version