Dynamic Effect Whitelist

Dynamic Effect Whitelist

This is a simple whitelist mod using MySQL/HTTP/File. To add users ingame to the whitelist permissionsBukkit is required (included in bukkit), you also need to use the File or MySQL mode. The plugin can run without any changes to the config, if you want it simple or you can edit the config to personalize the disconnect message etc.

The whitelist uses PluginMetrics which means it will send server info (plugin version, number of players on the server, server version, server location (country)), to PluginMetrics server (http://mcstats.org/plugin/DynamicEffectWhitelist) so I can get plugin usage. It can be turned off in PluginMetrics config (plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml), but it's recommended to let it be on, so I can see the usage.

If a new minecraft version has recently been released then try the plugin instead of asking if it works. Before reporting a bug, check so you have the latest version and check the changelog


  • Whitelist using MySQL/HTTP/File
  • Updates the whitelist at an interval and not just at server start
  • Add users to the whitelist ingame or integrate with your forum/website
  • The file data source uses the same format as Minecraft´s built-in whitelist system.
  • Custom disconnect message (if not on whitelist)
  • Notification for OP' s and players with the right permission, when someone joins and is not on the whitelist (Needs to be enabled in the config (General.PrintConnectFails))
  • Support for custom SQL queries & custom database structure
  • Built-in importer/exporter allows importing/exporting from/to file, sql & url to file, world & sql. (1)
  • Reload plugin on the run (without restarting the server)
  • Refresh the whitelist on the run (without waiting for the automated refresh or restarting the server)
  • Whitelist can be turned on/off while the server is running
  1. (Allowed sources: sql, file, url, world Allowed destinations: sql, file)


  • Nothing




dewhitelist.addpermission to add users to the whitelist
dewhitelist.removepermission to remove users from the whitelist
dewhitelist.displayfailspermission to see all failed joins (shown in the chat if activated in config)
dewhitelist.reloadpermission to reload the plugin
dewhitelist.refreshpermission to refresh the whitelist (check for new players in the whitelist)
dewhitelist.importpermission to import from a source to another (Can be used to backup the whitelist)
dewhitelist.modepermission to turn on/off the whitelist

Chat commands

/whitelist add [player]adds the entered player to the whitelist.
/whitelist remove [player]removes the entered player to the whitelist.
/whitelist reloadReloads the plugin
/whitelist import [source] [destination]imports whitelist from source to destination (1) (2)
/whitelist refreshRefreshes the whitelist (checks for new players in the whitelist)
/whitelist <on/off>Turns on/off the whitelist
  1. (Allowed sources: sql, file, url, world Allowed destinations: sql, file)
  2. (Uses a third argument when using world as source, the last world is the name of the world's name. Example "/whitelist import world file world")


The source is hosted on Github: https://github.com/BlackVoid/DynamicEffectWhitelist



Version 1.5.2

  • All debug messages are now shown with the prefix [DEWhitelist-debug]
  • No longer prints entire whitelist in debug mode, instead it prints the number of players in the whitelist.
  • Checks if other plugin has already disallowed the player and if so it lets the other plugin handle the event.
  • In debug mode it now prints if another plugin has handled the join event.

Version 1.5.1

  • Quick fix for the refresh timer which didn't work.

Version 1.5.0

  • /whitelist <on/off> added - Can turn on/off the whitelist on the run
  • Print connection fails should be fixed and should no longer print in console nor to players multiple times.
  • debug option moved from General.debug to Other.debug
  • Option in the config to set which mode the whitelist should be at startup (on or off)
  • PluginMetrics added, sends anonymous stats (player count, bukkit version, plugin version), can be turned off in the pluginMetrics config (plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml)

If you use my plugin on your server(s) please consider donating :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 21, 2011
  • Last Released File
    May 14, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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