
Configuration file:

The configuration file is located at "plugins/DynamicEffectWhitlist/config.yml"

YML file:

  ConnectionType: file #The connection type the plugin uses to get the whitelist. (file/sql/url)
  UpdateInterval: 60 #How often should it retrive the whitelist (in seconds)
  PrintConnectFails: false #If set to true it will print the disallow message if someone tries to join that isn't on the whitelist to all users with dewhitelist.displayfails permission and OP's
  DisconnectMessage: Hi {player}, you are not on the whitelist! #Message shown if your not on the whitelist
  DisallowMessage: Disallowed §2{player}§f from joining #Message shown if PrintConnectFails is set to true and someone that isnt on the whitelist joins.
sql: #Only changeif your using sql as connection type
  type: mysql #database engine
  host: localhost #host
  port: 3306 #port
  username: username #username
  password: password #password
  table: table #table
  database: minecraft #database
  query: SELECT {name} FROM `{table}`; #Do not change if not using custom table or if unsure
  UserField: name #Do not change unless using custom query
  url: #Only change if using  url as connection type
  file: white-list.txt #Only change if using file as connection type. File path is from bukkit root.
  debug: false #If set to true, it will print the whitelist everytime its retrived


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