dv90's Region Market

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A simple plugin to allow your players to rent regions (like shops)!

It works great with ChestShops, etc.


  • Vault
  • WorldGuard 5.5.2+


  • regionmarket.create
  • regionmarket.use


1. Drop the jar in your plugins and configure permissions

2. Define a region using WorldGuard

3. Place a new sign anywhere with the text like so:

   Region Name
 Duration (in sec)

4. Right click the sign to rent the region

How It Works

When the player rents the shop, it deducts the money from their account and the plugin adds them as a member of the WorldGuard region defined on the sign. This allows them to build within the region (eg. shop), for a set amount of times (sec, mins, hours, days, etc.), then when it expires, they are removed from the region's member list.

Planned Features

  • Persistence (save/load shops on restart/reload)
  • Warn owner when shop is about to expire
  • Auto clear region and return items to last owner
  • Accept duration in sec, min, hour, days, etc.


Initial version


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