
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.




If you would like to take over this project, please contact me in private.

Quite simply: Plots. After a 30 second configuration you will have a working self-sustaining creative plots world.


After creating DumbWarp I decided I would create a few "Dumb" series plugins where all they do is exactly what the name says. This plugin is no exception.

All DumbPlots does is make a very simple creative plot world/server for you with little to no setup. You can configure priced plots or use the default of "no cost". You can also specify a maximum number of plots per player.

Admins (OPs) of course get special treatment: They can do anything anywhere. Simple as that.

Commands / Permissions

/plot freeDumbPlots.freeFinds and creates a new empty plot for you to use
/plot claim [plot ID]DumbPlots.claimClaims the plot, if unclaimed, as your own
/plot unclaim [plot ID]DumbPlots.unclaimResets and unclaims the plot
/plot allow <player> [plot ID]DumbPlots.allowAllows a player into your plot
/plot disallow <player> [plot ID]DumbPlots.disallowDisallows a player from your plot
/plot tp [plot ID]DumbPlots.tpTeleports you to your plot
/plot nukeall <player>DumbPlots.nukeResets and removes all plots by <player>
/plot clear [plot ID]DumbPlots.clearClears a plot
/plot listDumbPlots.listLists all plots (alias: /plots)

Note: [plot ID] is optional and will default to the plot you are currently standing in. In the case of /plot tp the default is your first plot

DumbPlots.*Server OPAll DumbPlots permissions
DumbPlots.freeServer OPAllows /plot free
DumbPlots.listtrueAllows /plot list
DumbPlots.claimtrueAllows /plot claim
DumbPlots.unclaimtrueAllows /plot unclaim
DumbPlots.allowtrueAllows /plot allow
DumbPlots.disallowtrueAllows /plot disallow
DumbPlots.tptrueAllows /plot tp
DumbPlots.nukeServer OPAllows /plot nukeall
DumbPlots.clearServer OPAllows /plot clear

Statistics and Update Checking

This plugin does use a common library, CommonSense, to send statistics and complete update checks, You may disable these functions in the "DumbPlugin-Configuration.yml" file inside the plugin folder.

Download / Source

  • Download (BukkitDev): Coming soon!

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

Questions? Bugs? Errors?

Head on over to the GitHub Issue Tracker!!


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