This plugin adds a linked storage system allowing players to store items in chests with up to 9 tabs, players can access their "Item bank account" from any Banker Npc. It's also possible to link an ender chest with one of the tabs (that tab will look like an ender chest).
This plugin will also provide an Item <=> Money converter, the server admin will be able to set the values for items and moving that item from the banker to the players inventory or vice versa, will change the players money. It will always display at least one stack of each item with a value set.
To use this plugin you will need to have Valut, Citizens2 and any Economy Plugin. It's also good to have a permission plugin.
After you got all these plugins, just put the plugin file into the plugins folder and restart the server.
This plugin has only a few commands listed below
- /banker create <name>
- /banker help
- /banker remote
The following permissions can be used:
- dtl.banker.use
- dtl.banker.ender
- dtl.banker.remote
- dtl.banker.commands.*
No settings currently available, but I will add them soon enough :)
How to
The only thing you need to do to use this plugin, is to create your bankers, and store your items.
O this plugin sounds amazing. There is another NPC banking system but it comes with its own economy so it's unusable for me...
suggestion: add an "upgrade" option where you pay a specified amt of money to upgrade your space (you start with 9 slots)
Huh Oo some1 made a Denizen code for bankers using my dtl prefix? :D Just go on I still don't got the time to really start working on this so any script people may use would be probably helpful :)
Also it can also always give some ideas :D
Can i put a code of a denizen npc bank? it's also called dtlbankers
I like your Trader. Its one of the best ways to handle NPCs
Now I am waiting for Bankers. Signbanks are not good =(
Keep up the good work =)
i am waiting for :)
Got less time right now, will continue soon, sorry for this delay
When it will be finished?