DropHeads v3.8.1
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UploadedJul 30, 2023
Size437.86 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.20.1
- 1.20
- 1.19.4
- 1.19.3
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
- 1.17
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- Fixed behead messages for OPs not showing on (vanilla) Craftbukkit servers
- Renamed all occurrences of 'modifiers' to 'multipliers'
- Updated the Grumm/Dinnerbone Llama textures
- Changed noteblock for fish heads to use the "flop" sound (previously used "ambient" sound)
- Fixed 'behead-announcement-replaces-player-death-message' for 1.20 Paper/Purpur servers
- Fixed Legacy Piglin heads not auto-updating to the 1.19+ type on some servers
- Fixed Vex Grumm textures
- Added noteblock sounds for custom mob heads
- Added translation "fallback" option, available in 1.19+
- Added a translation resource pack, which servers can use in server.properties to localize heads based on players' individually chosen language
- Added 'async-offline-profile-requests' option for servers with high-frequency requests and/or poor connection to Mojang's skin servers
- Major API refactoring: Javadocs link
- Updated the HeadTimestamps extension
- General cleanup and optimizations
- Fixed a permission check for projectile kills
- Added Grumms for Sniffer and Camel heads
- Updated droprates for Sniffer and Camel
- Better compatibility with custom-death-message plugins
- Fixed 'show-head-type-in-lore:false' erasing head names
- More decimal places of precision in /droprate
- Added Sniffer head and (some) painting heads
- Optimized head name translations and profile lookups
- Fixed mob heads not having a name set properly (bug in previous update, v3.7.10)
- Added chest boat head variations
- Fixed a rare (but harmless) console error when a player joins and leaves in the same tick
- Added Camel head
- GameProfile lookup optimization and option to disable entirely for performance
- Moved Grumm/Dinnerbone heads to a separate texture file (downloaded only if enabled)
- Moved sideways-Shulker heads to a separate texture file (downloaded only if enabled)
- Moved colored-collar tamed cat/dog heads to a separate texture file (downloaded only if enabled)
- Fixed "a/an" for English click-listener head info
- Support for new 1.19.3 Piglin heads
- Updated vex head texture
- Minor tweaks & cleanup in default config
- Fixed an issue with player head stacking when texture-updates were disabled
- Fixed a console warning for missing textures (e.g. item_frame)
- Added the 7 new default player skins to the textures file
- More customizability for the 'dropheads.silentbehead' permission
- Fixed an issue with spawn-cause-modifiers triggering "StringIndexOutOfBounds" on certain EntityDeathEvents
- Fixed an issue when 'weapon-tellraw-component-cache-size' is 0 or undefined in the config causing NullPointerExceptions
- Fixed an issue where /gethead could give Steve heads for players who had never joined the server
- Added 'METAMORPHOSIS' spawn-reason, which happens when tadpoles turn into frogs
- Added 'indirect-kill-threshold' config option, defaults to 30s
- Added support for 'update-on-skin-change: false', to prevent heads from updating when a player changes skins
- Added performance settings such as 'head-click-disable-web-lookup' to the default config
- Added an LRU-cache for weapon component hover-text in behead message (optimization)
- More profile lookup optimizations
- Reworked 'specific-tool-multipliers' and 'time-alive-multipliers', and added customization per-entity for the second
- Added "Grumm" variants for all 1.19 heads
- Fixed an issue with the log.txt file encountered when certain named items were used to behead
- Code cleanup & optimizations
- Fixed a potential compatibility issue with DropHeads + EssentialsX-2.19.4 on Paper-1.19
Added Goat head variations with missing horns
- Minecraft 1.19 support
- Enabled colorful display names in behead messages
- Fixed 'dropheads.alwaysbehead' not showing up in /droprate when it should
- Updated spawn-cause-modifiers.txt so entities from /summon and spawn eggs don't have decreased drop rates (was confusing too many people)
- Added 'dropheads.canbehead' sub-perms for individual mob types
- Better support for plugins that use the vanilla death message (e.g., DiscordSRV)
- [MAJOR] Fixed DropHeads blocking non-behead player death messages
- [MAJOR] Fixed looting effect bug introduced in v3.7.0 (it was decreasing drop rate instead of increasing)
- Fixed a console error when replacing death messages for both players and pets is disabled
- Fixed a console error when logging head drops where no weapon was used
- Fixed another possible console error from head-click-msg
- Fixed an issue setting item name/lore that broke the plugin on 1.13-1.14 servers
- Fixed a NullPointerException for indirect kills without a player
- Fixed a console error from head-click-msg
- Fixed "a vs an" inconsistency in 'head-click-format-X'
- Fixed 'custom-droprate-multiplier-permissions' creating pointless child-perms
- Fixed inconsistent Shulker-head-rotation (direction looking)
- Fixed give-head-directly-to-killer drop mode
- Fixed bug with API events (missing static HandlerList function)
- Added Allay, Frog, Tadpole, and Warden heads (textures may not be 100% finalized)
- Added tentative pre-Jappa textures ('Programmer Art') heads for Horses and LLamas
- Added 'behead-message-replaces-pet-death-message' config option
- Added 'local-broadcast-distance' and 'local-broadcast-dimension' config options
- Added 'head-click-max-rate-in-ticks' config option
- Added feedback messages from /droprate and /gethead to translations.yml so they can now be configured
- Moved behead-messages from config.yml to translations.yml
- Lots of internal code refactoring
- Updated source code javadocs
- Created extension-Plugin: PeacefulPetHeads (Bukkit sub-page coming soon)
- Fixed a bug where custom-droprate-multiplier-permissions were being ignored (when unquoted in the config)
- Increased accuracy of sideways-shulker head rotation detection
- (local: English) Improved indefinite article ('a' vs 'an') auto selection in head click-info
- Added target selector support to /gethead arguments
- Added giveto:<target> selector for one or more recipients to /gethead
- Added inventory-target-slot argument to /gethead
- Added additional explanation text to /droprate when the drop chance is zero.
- Added 'Screaming Goat Head (Grumm)'
- Added 'Magma Cube (Lava inside, Grumm)'
- Fixed a 1.18 issue with Ghast heads not dropping (and printing an error in console)
- Minecraft 1.18 support
- Added 'Screaming Goat Head'
- Reworked /droprate to be way more detailed and a bit more native-language friendly
- Minor config tweaks (spelling, spacing, etc.)
- Added 'custom-droprate-multiplier-permissions'
- Added head texture for upcoming Warden mob (1.19) and placeholders for other 1.19 mobs
- Added a 'replace-heads' setting which works just like 'update-zombie-pigman-heads' but can be configured for any head substitution
- Improved code for updating lore when refreshing old head items
- Minor polishing of the texture file
- Fixed head stacking issue caused by lore-refreshing
- Fixed 'endermen-camouflage-heads' setting not working in v3.6.11
- Made it so 'cracked-iron-golem-heads' no longer depends on 'head-click-listener'
- Fixed axolotl variants not dropping the correct colors
- Fixed middle-click console error
- Added '/gethead <selector> <head> <amount>'
- Optimized player GameProfile lookups
- Simplified item lore NBT (head type info)
- Fixed an issue where spam-clicking heads with 'head-click-listener' enabled could cause excessive lag
- Enabled automatic texture 'update-on-skin-change' for players by default
- Fixed an issue where beheading a mob with a missing texture (e.g., Armor Stand) could cause a crash
- Added drop chance for "Toast" Rabbit head from killing Toast-renamed rabbits
- Clicking heads of players who have never joined now gives accurate info (a 1.17 bug)
- Minor stability improvement for '/reload' and plugin reloaders in Java 16 when loading jar files (a 1.17 bug)
- Fixed an issue with players dropping Steve heads in 1.17
- Started work on various other player profile issues that seems to have arisen in 1.17
- Minecraft 1.17 support
- Fixed bee and 21 common tropical fish variant heads not dropping (bug in 3.6.0)
- Fixed charged creeper killed by another charged creepers sometimes dropping a regular creeper head
- Changed lots of head textures to use more modern/accurate skins
- Added 'use-legacy-head-textures' config option and textures (partial support)
- Added 'transparent-slime-heads' config option
- Added '${URL}' placeholder for head click-info messages
- Fixed texture issues for 'Gray Closed Upside-down Shulker' and 'X-Collared Ginger Cat'
- Fixed 'behead-announcement' potentially being changed from 'OFF' to 'DIRECT' for invisible players
- Added '/gethead <url>'
- Better stability for heads of players who have never joined the server
- head-textures.txt file now uses Mojang texture IDs by default (but will also continue to support Base64 values)
- Fixed charged creepers still triggering vanilla head drops even when they disabled in the config
- Fixed '/gethead mob:PARROT' missing texture error (since v3.6.1) because no entity "default" subtype color was specified
- Added 3 missing textures for collared cats
- Rate-limited the clicking an iron golem head with ingots feature so it doesn't repair through multiple stages instantly
- Added a new optional feature 'endermen-camouflage-heads' which can make specific heads work like carved pumpkins
- Changed how translation text is encoded, for better compatibility with plugins that rely on BungeeCord's limited component API
- Added 'mob-subtype-separator' option to translations.yml, which defaults to just a space character
- Moved 'head-click-format-X' options from the main config to translations.yml
- Added 'texturekey-head-name-format' setting to translations.yml file
- Added 'dropheads.silentbehead.vanished' permission with support for Essentials and VanishNoPacket
- Updated head-drop-rates.txt for the upcoming 1.17 mobs
- Fixed '/gethead code:xxx' and '/droprate <mob>'
- Fixed collar color for Blue- and Light_Gray- collared wolf heads
- Updated all textures to standard format of 64x64 pixels
- Updated lingering pre-Jappa textures (from Minecraft's 1.14+ texture overhaul)
- Added sidways-shulker and closed-shulker heads
- Various translation improvements; e.g., if using a future or unsupported translation key, it defaults to the English(or configured) name
- Fixed a rare error messaged when wither skeletons were beheaded by a non-player
- Fixed wither skeletons sometimes not dropping skulls that they picked up from their dead friends
- Head name translation support!
- Added 1.17 mob head textures (not guaranteed to be finalized until Minecraft 1.17 is released)
- Head naming system overhaul and simplification
- Murder-weapon item display in behead message now consistently matches ingame formatting
- Full hex color support in 'head-click-format', and everywhere else as well
- Added HeadDropEvent and HeadRollEvent API classes
- Changed all "SILVER" heads to "LIGHT_GRAY" to match Bukkit API's DyeColor enum
- Fixed a rare NullPointerError message in the console when clicking on certain unrecognized heads
- Fixed a missing set of parentheses in the 'drop-for-nonplayer-kills' check
- Cleaned up 'vanilla-wither-skeleton-skulls' for better synergy with other config settings
- Added warning message if DropHeads detects another plugin messing with the wither skeleton drop rate
- Added 'dropheads.alwaysbehead' sub-perms (e.g., giving someone 'dropheads.alwaysbehead.cave_spider')
- Added an [amount] argument for /gethead, i.e, '/gethead mob:SHEEP 64'
- Fixed 'hollow-skeletal-skulls' dropping non-vanilla material type skeleton skulls
- Added 'vanilla-wither-skeleton-skulls' option (fix dogs beheading wither skeletons and related things)
- Added "Grumm" variants for hollow-skeletal-skulls
- Updated 'vanilla-wither-skeleton-looting-behavior' to included entities (i.e., tamed wolves)
- Allow priority-list support for 'head-item-drop-mode' with multiple modes
- Internal code cleanup and optimizations
- Fixed creative NBT-copy-click item names
- Fixed custom-lore-saving combined with showing mob type in lore potentially losing one or the other.
- Added 'prevent-head-placement' config setting (false by default)
- Added 'prefer-vanilla-heads' config setting (true by default)
- Added 'hollow-skeletal-skulls' config setting
- Added support for custom drop rates for mob sub-types
- Added sub-permissions to /gethead for restricting spawn-access of heads for mobs/players/HeadDatabase/etc
- Added click-info customizable format for HDB heads and Unknown texture heads
- Added 'head-item-drop-mode' to control how head item are handled upon a beheading
- Changed "White Sheep Head" name to just "Sheep head"
- Preserve comments in head-textures.txt file when auto-updating the textures
- Various minor improvements for some textures
- Fixed startup compatibility error messages with certain other plugins
- Minor code refactoring
- Fixed console error when info-clicking heads with no profile data (placed by certain other plugins)
- Use an empty behead message to disable it entirely
- Fixed bug with player-kill-threshold detection
- Fixed a compatibility bug with other (incorectly configured) plugins
- When UNKNOWN/DEFAULT entity drop rate is 0, register ALL death listeners (minecarts, paintings, mobs, etc.)
- [MAJOR] Fixed v3.4.1 bug - heads were not dropping when using the default config
- Optimized DeathListeners for when certain categories of mobs all have a drop chance of 0
- Added per-mob customization for behead announcement type
- Cold Strider heads now drop like they are supposed to
- Added 'drop-saddled-heads' config option; currently only applies for Striders (BETA)
- Added separate texture for Baby Zombie Pigmen (only affects Minecraft versions below 1.16)
- Slightly tweaked 'allow-indirect-kills' and 'allow-projectile-kills' to behave more like how they sound
- Fixed indirect-kill-threshold edge case where mobs not killed by a place could still drop a head
- Fixed small possibility of Minecart/Boat heads dropping twice for a single VehicleDestroyEvent, when enabled (off by default)
- Added the remaining Villager and Zombie Villager variants!
- Added (dyed) Collared Dog heads
- Added (dyed) Collared Cat heads, for each cat variant
- Added config setting to adjust EntityDeathListener priority (can help with plugin compatibility, e.g., DeadChest)
- Added option to enable heads for "Hanging" entities, e.g., item_frames, paintings, and leash_hitch.
- Persistent spawn-reason-modifier using entity NBT
- 'LOCAL' range behead broadcasts now work cross-dimensionally (e.g., people through a nearby nether portal can see the message)
- Minor refactoring of the HeadAPI
- Fixed a startup crash (occured when DropHeads and HDB were installed but Vault was not)
- Rewrote HDB integration, with better head item-tagging and /gethead usability
- Expanded on the /droprate command, including entity-on-cursor support (still in BETA!)
- Added 'update-texture' config setting; will be fully supported in v3.3.9 onward
- Added 'unstackable-heads' config setting, which can be used to make heads unstackable
- Minor optimizations in player-lookup code
- Fixed issue with looting calculation (for level 0) when determining whether to drop heads
- Added a permission to enable/disable head drops from a specific player/mob (dropheads.candrophead, true by default)
- Added /droprate command
- Config file cleanup, with re-added support for legacy config (v3.2 and below)
- Enabled auto-updater by default
- Fixed 'time-alive-modifier' not always getting applied
- Vanilla wither-skeleton looting now ONLY affects looting modifiers (and NOT the other modifiers)!
- Added config option to show head-type in item lore
- HDB integration for /gethead
- Added logging config option
- Synchronized behavior of EntityDeathListener and VehicleDestroyListener
- Minor code optimizations
- Fixed looting multiplier breaking for high looting values
- Fixed behead message showing the weapon name twice
- Added a config option to replaced existing Zombie Pigmen Heads with Zombified Piglin Heads
- Removed console warnings for "Unknown EntityType: PIG_ZOMBIE"
- Fixed loading and handling of 'looting-addition' setting
- Added cold/warm Strider head variants (cold variant is current unobtainable; waiting on Spigot!)
- Added "Grumm" variants for all 1.16 heads
- Added drop rate settings to the config file for all the 1.16 mobs
- "GRUMM" now shows up as a tab-complete option in /gethead
- Fixed typo in default clickinfo config setting
- Made head-drop-rates.txt file prettier
- Removed repeated heads in debug command
- Added 2 config settings: 'looting-multiplier' and 'looting-addition', which let you change how looting affects drop rates
- Added 'vanilla-wither-skeleton-looting-behavior', which can be used to override the previous two settings
- Added textures for about a dozen more Zombie Villager biome variants (still W.I.P...)
- Tool-bonus for projectile-kills is now based on the item used to fire the projectile (e.g., the Crossbow used to shoot a tipped arrow)
- Config option to only use 1 head texture for each mob type (boring!)
- Death messages when killed using an item now use exact vanilla by default: "X was decapitated by Y using [item]
- Added 'dropheads.clickinfo' permission for clicking a head to view its info
- [MAJOR] Fixed: Item meta (lore, enchants, etc.) was being lost when head items were dropped
- Fixed: Custom item names are now properly italicized in behead broadcasts
- Fixed: Removed "Unknown Head" console warnings for heads from future Minecraft versions
- Rewrote Tellraw library, for things like hoverable text in death messages
- Added 'time-alive-modifiers', a way to modify drop rates based on an entity's age
- Added a new BETA feature for saving head item lore even when it gets placed as a block
- Option to display info for a placed head when it is right-clicked
- Updated EvLib code library and organization
- Updated behead broadcast system to use the new EvLib features
- Items are now appropriately colored based on item rarity
- Option to enable dropping Boat or Minecart heads
- Rewrote and optimized EntityDeathListener (again)
- Configurable behead announcement message
- Drop 1 head per charged creeper explosion by default (to mimic vanilla behavior)
- Added biome-specific villager heads
- Added Minecraft 1.16 mob heads
- Combine jar resource and '/plugins/DropHeads/' folder textures, for a more complete list (for people with outdated texture files)
- Improved texture for Stray head
- Fixed a bug where if you threw head itemstacks on the ground some of the stacked heads would vanish
- Fixed a bug where the plugin didn't always respect the 'player-kills-only' config setting
- Fixed a bug where heads placed on an armorstand wouldn't drop unless the armorstand was broken by a player
- Changed 'Stray Head' to 'Stray Skull' (and also for other skeletal mobs, e.g., Skeleton_Horse)
- Added more Tropical Fish heads, we now have 16/22 of the common varieties!
- Reduced console startup messages
- Minecraft 1.13+ support
- Added Bee Head variants and new Grumm textures
- Must use 1.14.X, not backwards compatible!
- Fixed NullPointerException error in console when running /gethead with no arguments on a new account with no skin
- Changed code source & compliance to Java 8 (for support for people who don't update Java)
- Must use 1.14.X, not backwards compatible!
- Fixed incorrect wither skull drop rate
- Fixed occasional head double-drop when killed by a charged creeper
- Renamed (via. anvil, etc.) heads should now retain their custom names
- Must use 1.14.X, not backwards compatible!
- Fixed 'nolooting' config option not being respected
- Fixed all issues where plugin breaks after a /reload and must be re-downloaded
- Added two new config options: 'drop-for-ranged-kills' and 'drop-for-indirect-kills'
- Removed evp. prefix from permissions, this may break existing setups
- Must use 1.14.X, not backwards compatible!
- Better player- and entity-head lookup system
- Tab complete for /gethead
- Code abstractions & cleanup
- Red vs. Snow fox distinguishing issue fixed
- Must use 1.14.X, not backwards compatible!
- New Heads: Fox, Panda, Pillager, Ravager, Brown Mooshroom, Wandering Trader, 4xTrader Llama, 11xCat, 15xVillager, and 15xZombie Villager
- API major rewrite and improvements
- File 'head-list.txt' now combined with in-jar resource
- Known issues:
- Bukkit/Spigot doesn't give a way to distinguish between red foxes and snow foxes, so only the red head is dropped for now
- Must use 1.13+, not backwards compatible!
- Added Grumm/Dinnerbone head variations for EVERY mob!
- Better API support (still W.I.P)
- Added 'charged-creeper-always-behead' config option
- Config readability improvements
- Must use 1.13+, no longer compatible with 1.12 from this point onward!!
- Fixed a rare missing-texture bug that could occur when using heads of players who have never joined
- ALL config files are now available in the /plugins/Dropheads/ folder
- Added the Hopper-Minecart head
- Better head refresh when a player changes skin
- Tweaked default drop rates
- 1.13 compatibility!
- Added 1.13 heads (excluding tropical fish... coming soon!)
- Rewrote head material data to match 1.13 format
- Tweaked default settings
- Fixed occasional head-stacking issue
- Re-balanced drop rates
- All heads up to 1.12
- Optimizations and code cleanup
- Added Angry-Wolf head for killing enraged wolves
- Added parrot heads
- Added cat heads
- Added rabbit heads
- Added more zombie villager heads
- Added polar bear head
- Addressed head-stacking issue
- Texture heads no longer update themselves
- Better NBT storage (allowing for more textures)
- Bukkit public release!
- See project description for details :D