

A restored plugin that has been brought fully up to date. The plugin uses redstone to power chests/dispensers that thanks to the update will pickup any items that are dropped or pushed into the regions above, behind, in front, left, or right of the chest/dispenser.

Upcoming Features:

  • Pickup modes for chests/dispenser This will change the way in which a chest/dispenser picks up items, allowing for items to be dropped/pushed into more areas around the chest/dispenser and still be gathered by the chest/dispenser.
  • Add permissions support
  • Add choice for powering of chests, or powering them via command and permissions
  • Will allow players to own chests ;)
  • Will add an optional feature that will only allow those who own the chest to drop items into it.

After the next minecraft updates.

  • Will be adding piping system to allow for connection of chests to the left, right, front, back, and top of things like stoves or brewery stands where the chest will automatically be able to add certain contents to the object it connects to.
  • Looter chests will be formed by powering a chest under a stove or brewery stand like object. The chest will automatically pick up the finished products. Uses hoppers.



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