
The default config file since 1.0.4

#     DriveBackup   -   by Ratismal

# Should metrics be enabled
metrics: true

# How often to do backups (in minutes). Set to -1 to disable automatic backups.
delay: 60
# How many backups to keep before deleting the oldest one. Set to -1 to disable automatic deletes.
keep-count: 20

# Expandable list of things to back up.
# The backup list is comprised of three things:
#   - folder names
#   - file name formats
#   - whether this plugin should create the backup
# The file name format is what the backup's naming scheme is
# For more information about timedate formatting, see
# To verify they are being formatted correctly, do /drivebackup list
# Correct formatting is important, as this is how the plugin knows
#   which backup is the most recent!
# For example, if you wanted to back up crash reports, you would do:
#  crash-reports:
#    format: "'crash-'''"
#    create: true
# The 'crash-reports:' part refers to the folder, and the "'crash-''-server.txt'" refers to
#   what format the file name is. Since create is set to true, the plugin will take the crash-reports folder,
#   zip it into a file according to the format, and upload it.
    format: "'Backup-world-'yyyy-M-d--HH-mm'.zip'"
    create: true
    format: "'Backup-plugins-'yyyy-M-d--HH-mm'.zip'"
    create: true

# Where the backups are stored locally
dir: "backups"

# Folder in to save backups on remote server
destination: "backups"

# Google Drive configs
  enabled: true
  enabled: false

# Messages
no-perm: "You don't have permission to do this!"


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