Dragons Lair
Hey people out there!
Some would people would say "Yet again another RPG plugin?" and apparently I can't deny that but hold on, this one is different. This plugin allows you to do things that you might've ever thought of but weren't able to do. It gives life to a dead city, creating new friendships with a new way of cooperation and generally giving Minecraft that what's missing: a goal. On top of that, everything is fully customizable, so you're able to make your wishes come true in the way you want them to be. No barriers, no borders, nothing that prevents you from doing the things you've ever wanted. Everything is about to come true. Dragons Lair.
What does it provide?
- NPCs you can talk to like they're actually real!
- Dungeon system. - Group together with your friends - Save your progress and recover it on the next player - Everyone can play the same dungeon over and over like it would be their first time
- React on player actions with anything you'd imagine
- Database? Here we go!
- Easy configuration
This is just the general information, there's a lot more to discover ;)
There are only two commands available:
/dl config:
- Opens the config for dragons lair. You just type in what you want, no additional command needed.
/dl reload:
- Only needed if you did something in the database to sync it with dragons lair.
And those are all the commands!
There is only one permission, which is used for the config and reload:
It gives access to the above commands.
Current Version
Version 2.3 (official release)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Conversation creation:
Block based triggers:
Yep, if you recreate the database, the 'rev' in the config needs to be set back to 0 again. The reason is that with that number I keep track on how old the database is. When I make changes I add a new number and if the number in the config is lower than the current one the plugin knows that it should update. Otherwise I'd need to other complex checks which would take a lot of time and hence slow everything down.
thank you kumpelblase2 for your hard work on this, its much appreciated.
i've went and fouled things up a bit... i wanted to start fresh with 2.0, so i (via sql) dropped all the dragons lair tables, expecting dl to simply re-create those tables. however, this was not the case. please see the error below: (database name has been changed)
Either I've messed something up or the plugin doesnt have a check to re-create the tables upon reload if needed. Does the rev: section of the config need to be reset to 0?
Thanks :)
It's more or less a restriction by me, which I can try to remove. But that would mean when you use triggers/events you'd need to use the id for the npc because the system wouldn't be able to know which one you actually mean. I'm gonna add that to my to-do list.
I already though about like scheduled events, so you could say that every 2 minutes he walks to point x, 1 minute later he walks to point z and again one minute later ha goes back to point y or something like that. Your question also got me an idea, which would be to create another option for npcs that allows them to walk around automatically. I wouldn't know how to do that yet, but I'm gonna look at that though.
Would it be possible to allow npcs to have the same name? This might be a minecraft restriction not sure so please forgive the ignorance. I'm setting up a small faction of time warriors and not all of them have unique names. Most of them are just there to add the appearance of life.
Also, any chance for an always trigger? I would like to setup the npcs to have them walk around a bit. Then if you bump into them I could trigger a good day sir message or something similar.
It's now done. Dragons Lair is officially released!
I hope you have a lot of fun!
The current version (2.0) is already uploaded and is waiting for approval.
Be prepared, the official release is on it's way :)
I won't/can't say the release yet though, but I'm sure this week is realistic.
See ya then, kumpelblase2.
Video is up!
Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w-2tTgLpS4
Next video is currently getting uploaded. It's about block triggers or location based triggers. Should be up in about an hour.
Sorry für die späte Antwort. Aber ja, ich mache für die einzelnen Funktionen noch videos. Gerade bin ich am rendern eines videos für block_break, block_place, block_interact and movement, was dann die nächsten tage online ist.
Machst du dann zu den andren funktionen auch noch Tuts.? Wär zim. praktisch, weil wenn ich was nich kapier schau ich direkt immer nach nem Tut, xD
Je nachdem wie das ausgelöst werden soll. Wenn du es mit nem block break haben willst, gibst du in den Optionen des triggers die position des zu zerstörenden Blocks an. Oder halt nen movement trigger, wenn du es wie im video haben willst (HostOfYou bin übrigens auch ich.). Dann jeweils nen block_change event, was die Blöcke zu ner wand macht.
Aber nein, Dragons Lair gibt es noch nicht auf deutsch oder generell in anderen Sprachen.
Habs jz mal hinbekommen nen npc zu erstellen usw.. Nur Blick ich nich dahinter wie block_break z.b. funktionieren soll. Kann ich z.b. Blöcke als Detector einstellen das wenn ich in einen Dungeon geh die Tür hinter mir zugeht? (bsp. 2 blöcke zwischen der mauer erscheinen wie in dem einen Video von HostOfYou? Was ich auch noch fragen wollt ob es auch vlt. ne Deutsche ausgabe davon gibt?
Danke schon mal im Vorraus.
http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ da solltest du nen installer finden. Bist du dir sicher, dass der sqlite driver nicht vielleicht schon drauf ist? Sonst würde ich das erstmal so probieren und wenn kein Fehler kommt wirst auch nichts installieren müssen. 1.4 brauch leider noch etwas bis es approved ist.
@d4rkwarriors https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15011952/bukkit/dragonslardatabase.txt there you go. If you have any question or something isn't clear enough, feel free to pm me.
Hab mir Sqlite mal angeschaut und nur irgendwie 4 Dateien bekommen in einem pack was amalgamation hies. Hab null plan wie das geht will aber Dragonslair benutzen um endlich ma richtige quests für einen Rpg server zu machen. Thx im vorraus!
that sound great so i can start to write some code without konwing each single releation with command and db :D
Next version is up which includes the possibility to use sqlite instead of mysql. See this page for more information on how to change.
NOTE:this will probably be the last BETA version, if no major bugs occur. So be prepared!
'das von windows' kenne ich nicht, zumindest nicht für mysql. http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/#downloads da bekommste z.b. den server für windows und clients gibts mehrere. Navicat lite is z.b. kostenlos und reicht aus. Wenn du dich jetzt nicht damit rumschlagen willst einfach noch ein bis zwei tage warten, dann ist sqlite auch fertig ;)
Yeah, you're right. Gonna finish sqlite first today and then gonna start doing some documentation about it the database.
very helpfull if u have documents about database schema, like information regardings columns, references and what action is about that datatype. Iam writing a initial php page with some built in features.
Was für ein Programm sollt ich dafür nutzen?
Das von Windows oder tuts auch irgend ein anderes Programm dafür?
Das mit Sqlite is ne gute idee weil nicht jeder kennt sich mit Mysql aus
und nochmal extern nen server dann laufen lassen is ja auch wieder speicherfressend.