Dragons Lair
Hey people out there!
Some would people would say "Yet again another RPG plugin?" and apparently I can't deny that but hold on, this one is different. This plugin allows you to do things that you might've ever thought of but weren't able to do. It gives life to a dead city, creating new friendships with a new way of cooperation and generally giving Minecraft that what's missing: a goal. On top of that, everything is fully customizable, so you're able to make your wishes come true in the way you want them to be. No barriers, no borders, nothing that prevents you from doing the things you've ever wanted. Everything is about to come true. Dragons Lair.
What does it provide?
- NPCs you can talk to like they're actually real!
- Dungeon system. - Group together with your friends - Save your progress and recover it on the next player - Everyone can play the same dungeon over and over like it would be their first time
- React on player actions with anything you'd imagine
- Database? Here we go!
- Easy configuration
This is just the general information, there's a lot more to discover ;)
There are only two commands available:
/dl config:
- Opens the config for dragons lair. You just type in what you want, no additional command needed.
/dl reload:
- Only needed if you did something in the database to sync it with dragons lair.
And those are all the commands!
There is only one permission, which is used for the config and reload:
It gives access to the above commands.
Current Version
Version 2.3 (official release)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Conversation creation:
Block based triggers:
Jap, eine MySQL Datenbank muss vorhanden sein (ohne geht es nicht, weswegen sich das plugin auch deaktiviert hat). Der Grund ist, dass die große Anzahl an Daten, die vielleicht gespeichert werden müssten, sich nicht gut in einer Datei speichern lassen. Ich werde aber höchstwahrscheinlich noch SQLite einführen, damit man nicht umbedingt einen MySQL server braucht.
Hy, ich hab ein Problem mit dem plugin.
Wenn ich den Server starte dann kommt eine Meldung das keine verbindung zur SQL database gefunden werden konnte.
Muss ich zwingend eine anlegen dafür?
Ebenfalls steht direkt drunter das das Plugin deaktiviert wurde.
Ich benutzt Bukkit 1.2.5-R4.0 und habe keine ahnung was ich falsch mach! xD
Yeah, it would be really nice if you could do it! :)
iam thinking about to realize an external java GUI for configuration managment. Very good work with this plugins sounds amazing..
The reason I've done it like this is the fact that you might want to get to the same dialog using two different ways or get back to it later. When I would do it like you've suggested, you'd need to recreate these dialog over and over again creating so much data that don't need to exist.
it is great! can you make it more user friendly just like when i create a new dialog just type message when player is agree or not. which instead of typing the other dialog id.. it is so hard to get those id.. thank you=]
The conversation creation tutorial is up! Have fun!
@TheFluffey @TheFluffey
Economy is already implemented :P To give or withdraw money from someone, set the item id on the ITEM_ADD or ITEM_REMOVE event to 'money' and it'll accept it (+ the amount of cause). You need Vault though in order to use the economy feature.
I really want to get some videos out, but I don' have that much time, sometimes not even at the weekend. When I have some free time, I'm gonna do one or more.
I have a suggestion..can you make some eco support?just like give someone money after completed the objective or quest/
an i just want i video which tutorial for making a quest like your next generation video where at the end .the quest for gather 10 wheat.. i try about a day and still dont know how to set like yours.
A shop and banking system would be nice.
Small heads up: I might upload 1.3 in the next days with some fixes in it. I'm still open for feature requests and suggestions :3
yep, spout AND spout craft (as client). I would really like to do it without them but there's no way because of how minecraft gets the skins for players.
um... when i paste the url , the npc just reborn and no any change=] the skin function need sth else plugin? or?
Yep, it's an url. e.g. : http://www.minecraftskins.com/newuploaded_skins/skin_20120705053437187814.png
I might think about it.
This is a ing crazy plugin!! i have a question how can i change the skin. is it a url? or else?
Dyou need a test sever? I'm offering you a full test server with CP access(24/7 dedicated server) as long as we're listed as tester. Add me on Skype alexko234 or pm me
If you want them to :D Rewards will be added in the near future.
1. Not really. 2. yes.
Is there any text tutorial? Btw are you german ?
That seems really amazing, thanks. Wow, so you could have multiple bosses who drop unique loot!? This RPG plugin is truly amazing. Some sort of achievements system would be awesome, so you could reward achievements for beating the final boss, etc.
Everything is up to you. If you want a dragon to be the final boss in a dungeon, you can make it as a final boss in a dungeon. This plugin itself doesn't provide any content, just the tools to create such content. There are no limits, only your imagination. If you want the dragons to drop a massive amount of loot, go ahead, you can do it!