Dragon Items




The plugin adds 11 new items that can be crafted or obtained by using the eggs of a dragon.

I Express my gratitude to Spiddy for tutorial.




Each piece of armor has a strong enchantment and unique qualities that in various ways enhance their owner. In other words, when the player carries any part of the armor on it is superimposed the effects of the potions:


Boots: Increase speed

Leggings: Increase jump

Chestplate: Regeneration

Helmet: Underwater breathing.


Also, each part of the armor gives other buffs: chances of dodging attack, chances of flip arrows, resistance to magic damage.




The plugin adds a crafting dragon sword. It has high levels of enchantment and a special ability. When the player right click, holding the dragon sword, the player is superimposed buff forces. The ability removes debuffs from potions (poison, slowing, etc.). This ability has a cooldown, so you cannot use it constantly. In addition, it slows the enemy upon impact. 

From version 6.1 sword of the dragon when killing players can "collect" their souls. Each soul increases the damage of the sword. When the maximum number of souls is reached 10, Sharpness of the sword is increased by 1 level (if it has not reached its maximum) and the number of souls is reset. if the owner of the sword of the dragon dies, then all the improvements to the sword (Sharpness and Souls) will decrease to the initial level .



In version 2.0 added craft spade dragon. She, like a sword, has high levels of enchantment. Also, when the player breaks the blocks of the shovel, then he has a small chance to find a treasure that contains several fields of fire and, with a small chance a dragon egg.


Starting with version 2.0, added craft pickaxe dragon. On pickaxe imposed a powerful enchantment. In addition, it gives the player night vision during excavations.


In version 5.0 added the crafting of the axe dragon. Axe has a strong enchantment. Also, it's great for combat against mobs, causing them to take double damage, and with some chance of knocking them out of the sphere of fire. Axe, maybe a 20% chance to inflict double damage to the player. If a player is missing any piece of armor, the chance increases. If the full set of the dragon is worn on the player, the axe gives lifesteal to 30%.

All tools of the dragon has a unique property that allows them to enable/disable silk touch. To do this, the player must press the right mouse button, holding the instrument in his hands.


Bow of the dragon was added in plugin version 2.0. He has a strong spell. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the damage from falling arrow of the bow is increased with a distance to the target. Maximum additional damage is 25 units. just onion blinds the enemy. Blind duration depends on the distance.

Full set armor

If the player wears a full set of dragon armor, it adds extra buffs and available improves (increases magical resistance, etc.). In addition, the player's sword ability heals and becomes invulnerable for a short time.

Sphere of fire

The sphere of fire can be obtained from treasures and dragon eggs. For this you need to pick up a dragon egg and click the right click(try to put it). After that, the dragon egg will disappear and the player will get from 3 to 18 fields of fire. The sphere of fire are necessary for crafting other items.

Cross of Ender

With this cross, the player will be able to take a special form that completely blocks direct damage from and arrows, but increases several times a whole other kind of damage (falling, burning, poisoning,  etc.). This item can also be used on other creatures by pressing the right mouse button on them. With proper use, this thing can repeatedly save your life. To use the cross on yourself, you should click the left mouse button. The ability of cross cooldown.

Craft look here  


Version 4.0 added repair items dragon through the anvil with spheres of fire. Repair does not require EXP. In addition, only one sphere of fire, to fully repair the subject of the dragon. Repair items dragon with other materials will be blocked. This kind of repair can be disabled in the config of the plugin.



90% of all that is in this plugin can be configured via config. You can balance things dragon under your server.




 DragoItem.reload - Gives the rigth on command "/dragoitem reload"

DragoItem.cross - entitles you to use the cross of Ender to myself.

DragoItem.cross.other - gives the right to use the cross of Ender on each other.

DragoItem.use.Boots - gives the right to use the abilities of boots of the dragon.

DragoItem.use.Leggings - gives the right to use the abilities of the leggings of the dragon. DragoItem.use.Chestplate - gives the right to use the abilities of the breastplate of the dragon. DragoItem.use.Helmet - gives the right to use the powers of the helmet of the dragon. DragoItem.use.Set - gives the right to use my abilities for the Dragon set.

DragoItem.use.Sword - gives the right to use the ability dragon sword.

DragoItem.use.Pickaxe - gives the right to the use of the ability of the pickaxe of the dragon. DragoItem.use.Sword.skill - gives the right to use an ability of the dragon sword(PCM).

DragoItem.use.milk - Gives the right to use milk, when the player hangs buff weakness(this will allow you to reset the cooldown on the skill dragon sword). Not actual with versions 6.1 .


Attention! The right to use items had been removed in new versions!






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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 13, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Sep 18, 2018
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