
DoorLock Header

DoorLock is a new type of plugin for the protection of the doors of your house, city walls or dungeons!
Instead of relying on commands, signs or names this plugin is based on a combination of items placed in dropper (from now on called Lock) in the immediate vicinity of the door.
This plugin is designed for users who want to give access to their homes (if using Towny) only to trusted players and for GDR server administrators who want to create a combination for the doors in a dungeon or in a particular place in some cities (such as the vault of a bank). In conclusion, this plugin is useful to all! Oh, and last but not least, it is open source!


  • Lightweight
  • Simple to use
  • Drag 'n drop - no configurations! (maybe some in the next future...)
  • No permissions! (Like config - never say never!)
  • Automatic shuffle of the password after putting it correctly

How can I create a Lock?
I tried to make it as simple as possible, just follow those steps:

  • First place down your door and a dropper - it must be at the left or right of the upper half of the door!
  • Open the container and place your item to create a password (you cane use multiple items on the same slot - eg. half stack of cobblestone). Mine password will be this pattern.
  • Open your chat and type the command "/doorlock create" while looking the dropper and - tadà! You have just created your first lock!
  • Now to open your door just repeat the pattern used when creating the lock and close the inventory. As you may notice, when opening the dropper the items are shuffled, and so when someone use the lock - you don't need to worry to rearrange items in your lock so other people can see it!


  • /doorlock - Gives you the list of avaiable commands
  • /doorlock create - Creates a lock at the dropper you are looking at
  • /doorlock delete - Deletes a lock at the dropper you are looking at (only if you own it!)
  • /doorlock getowner - Prints the owner name and UUID

Drag and drop to your plugin folder. It's simple as that!

Configuration and permissions:
Not yet done... you must wait a little :c

Coming on features:

  • Configuration and permissions
  • When someone is using a Lock deny other players to see into
  • Price when creating a Lock
  • Command to change password
  • Admin mode (deleting and getting owner of a lock)
    If you have suggestion, please tell me about them in the comments below!


Source code:
This source code is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0 International - you can have a look at it at


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 27, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 27, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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