
Please view the official wiki here In DonatorExpress, you can use signs to buy and sell virtual currency as well as buying packages. Note in order for any signs to work, you must have vault installed.

Buy Sign

Virtual Currency

The buy sign works two ways, for buying virtual currency, or for buying packages. If you want to place a sign where the user can buy virtual currency, place a sign, and type this on it [DE] Buy VCName numberOfTokens Where VCName represents the name of your virtual currency as defined in the config.yml and where numberOfTokens represents the amount of tokens the user can buy at once. Note that VCName is case sensitive, so if your currency name is Tokens, you need to type Tokens (with an uppercase T), and not tokens (with a lowercase t).


To place a sign where a user can buy a package, place a sign, and type this on it [DE] Buy packageName Where packageName represents the name of the package. Note this is also case sensitive. Your users will still have to type /donate confirm to confirm that they wanted that package You can also place Info signs which give info on the package. To do this, place a sign and type this on it [DE] Info packageName Where packageName represents the name of the package. Note this is case sensitive.

Sell Sign

Sell signs are used to sell tokens in exchange for money. The conversion rate is defined in the config.yml To create a sell sign, place a sign, and type this in it [DE] Sell VCName numberOfTokens Where VCName represents the name of your virtual currency as defined in the config.yml and where numberOfTokens represents the amount of tokens the user can buy at once. Note that VCName is case sensitive, so if your currency name is Tokens, you need to type Tokens (with an uppercase T), and not tokens (with a lowercase t).


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