Doing different actions in-game (mining, fighting, eating, etc) can cause certain effect on the player and can even spread to other players. It is completely customizable by the server admin.
Essentially the ideas is for server admins to be able to mix and match Events, Effects, and Cures to create custom "diseases".
Getting Infected (Events)
- - Block Break (with/without tools or items in hand).
- - Entity Damage - Mob does damage to player (with/without armor).
- - Damage Entity - Player does damage to mob (with/without tools or items in hand).
- - Player In Biome - If player is in a certain biome.
Have more to suggest? Leave a comment! I am open to any and all ideas!
Disease Effects
- noArms - Can not use items (interactions [i.e. buttons] are allowed).
- noSprint - User can not sprint.
- slowness - User is slowed.
- dmgOverTime - User takes damage over time.
- nausea - User is nauseous.
- confusion - User is confused.
- airReduce - Breath reduction when under water (fewer bubbles).
- health - Increase/Decrease in health.
- noSwim - User can not swim.
- sunlightDmg - User takes damage over time when in direct sunlight.
- moonlightDmg - User takes damage over time when in direct moonlight.
- jumpHeight - User's jump height increased/decreased.
- spawnOnDeath - Mob spawns on user's death.
- speed - User's speed increased.
- lavaDmg - User takes extra lava damage.
- fireDmg - User takes extra fire damage.
- disease - User may receive another disease when infected.
Have more to suggest? Leave a comment! I am open to any and all ideas!
Getting Better (Cures)
Here is a list of cures:
- Time.
- Eating specific food.
- Moving a certain distance.
Have more to suggest? Leave a comment! I am open to any and all ideas!
Config File (Planned)
This is what the config will probably look like...
Will post soon. Making changes...
Will post as soon as I have a running Alpha version.
Suggested By: MasculineBulldog in the Plugin Request forum here.
Y el botón de descarga?
Is this still active? If not is it up to a run-able version so I can use it?
I would prefer if you could make custom diseases, it would probably be less load on you too.
If I can make a suggestion, why not have instant health potions able to cure diseases? And toggleable ways to cure diseases, so people who don't want food to be able to cure, it can be toggled off.
Just food for thought ;) Good luck man.
Hey guys, status update!
I've been away for a while but a lot of the background coding stuff is done. I hope to have an Alpha out by the 8th. Ill be back in town on the 1st.
Hey Tempus, Maybe damage in water as well. This might be useful for custom diseases. I also like Dartual's sleeping idea. Thanks again for working on this.
Sounds like a great plugin. Maybe users could also get cured from sleeping?