Config Files

Disco Night


Config Files

Default Config

This is the default config file in case the config file gets messed up in some way,

#                                 #
# Disco Night Default Config file #
#                                 #
#These are the main config options for Disco Night as well as the default options for each world
#World data is saved in the save.yml file and uses, in general, the same values as this file
#where it can. Other values may be there as well but the name should explane what it does or you
#can ask about it on the Bukkit page at []

###           ###
# Server Config #
###           ###
#The values used by the server to load and do other things.

#Use the save.yml file for what Disco Night does in each world
#All worlds will be saved to the save.yml with default values as they are found 
#even if this is false in case this value is changed later
#true = Use the save.yml file to decide what a world does with the dn start command
#false = use default values for all worlds even if they are in the save.yml file
use_save_file: true

#This Plugin uses Updater for updating itself. This only goes thorugh devBukkit and has its own
#config file however this is provided to enable or disable auto updating of the plugin
#1 = check for and download update (with console output)
#2 = silent update (doesn't spam the console)
#3 = version check (no auto update)
#4 = No check
auto_update: 1

#should the world be saved when the plugin is restarted/shutdown
#true = save if Disco Night is running
#false = do not save
save_world_state: true

#Should any permission message show. This will override the other settings
#false = Display no permission messages
#true = follow message settings
show_perm_message: true

#These are all the permission messages and if they should show or not. the '&' character is used
#as the color code example '&4' is the color red <!!!SENDER!!!> is the command senders name
#All permissions go in the order should the message show and then the message
color_code: "&"

show_perm_help: true
perm_help_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

show_perm_start: true
perm_start_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

show_perm_stop: true
perm_stop_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

show_perm_list: true
perm_list_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

show_perm_reload: true
perm_reload_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

show_perm_update: true
perm_update_message: "&4 You do not have permission to do this, <!!!SENDER!!!>"

###                  ###
# Default World Config #
###                  ###
#these values are used as the default values when each world is loaded and saved to the save.yml

#The type of time that Disco night should use when resetting time.
#1 = Disco Night (the moon spins)
#2 = Freeze (time stops but may break redstone things and other plugins) Not advised
#3 = Night skip (never be afraid of the dark again)
#4 = Day skip (who turned out the lights?)
#5 = Set the time (may speed up some things/ have unwanted affects)
time_type: 1

#set the time in ticks if time type is option 5 (if set to night this will spin the moon as well)
set_time: 12000

#the amount time will shift during disco night only (x is a number)
#-x = "reverse" time normal speed
#x = normal time
#0 = no change
time_shift: 0

#should Disco night start on load for the world?
#false = the world will start normally until the command is run
#true = PARTY
start_on_load: false

#should a record be played with the Disco?
#true = yes must have music with disco
#false = no music :(
play_disk: true

#the Item ID of the music disk
#This must be a music disk ID or it may cause problems
music_disk_id: 2267

#the time between starts in seconds
#how long between each music disk in seconds
time_between: 240

#these values are a little confusing so only mess with them if you know what you are doing
#The start end values are basicly just the times day and night skip loop through in world ticks
#kind of like /set time xxxx
#the other one is the tick delay for checking. This can be vary (like 2-300 or so) if using for
#one of the other time manipulations but should be small for the main disco night feature.
#changing it per world is suggested if your world will only be using something like day skip.
#making this a higher number should also reduce lag but make some things look bad

#tick check delay
tick_check_delay: 2

#These are different values to help make it clear what they do
#What tick should day skip start on
night_start: 19000

#What tick should day skip skip back to the start on
night_end: 23000

#What tick should night skip start on
day_start: 600

#What tick should night skip skip back to start on
day_end: 15000

Save File

This is similar to the default config file except it does not have all the values that the default one does. Please refer to the default config file for help with any values