Dirt to TNT

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

I made this in maybe 30 min because the Idea came to me and I thought it would be easy and fun to make. I made this for people who have their own(probably locally hosted) server and are bored and feeling destructive. This basically just takes all the dirt ,64 blocks below you and 32 above you and in a 50 block radius(by default) from a sign that you right click that says "dirt to tnt"(without quotes), and turns dirt into TNT!!!

This is a great plugin for the bored and Destructive mind.

Sign formula:

_dirt to tnt_ OR _[reset]_

_ <radius> _

_ <depth> _

_ <Height>_

Features: Turns dirt that is 64 below, 32 above, and in a 50 block radius of a sign that says: Dirt To TNT (Block Distances are Default and the sign isn't case sensitive)

Notes: SHOULDN'T be used with good servers (will end up ruining everything) For pure enjoyment, serves no practical purpose. Can cause A LOT of lag. TNT underground can be lit by lava. So if TNT starts randomly blowing-up that's probably why. If done at or below sea level TNT will go down as far a bedrock. If done below sea level, you will crash because the program is trying to go below bedrock. Same thing will happen if you are too high. To activate put dirt to tnt on a sign and right click it.

To Do:

  • Any suggestions???

File NAME is TNT_Dirt


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 3, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 27, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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