Dimensions 1.0.14


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  • Uploaded
    May 15, 2020
  • Size
    75.08 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.15
  • 1.14
  • 1.13


Added now mobs can go through portals
Fixed falling block entities not being removed after restart
Changed how portals are stored and how portal frames check for players to reduce server lag
Fixed the bug where players couldnt break portal frames if a block was behind the falling block entity
Fixed bug where if there was two portals using the same block and you would break the block only one of the portals would be destroyed
Added worldGuard flags (use-custom-portal, ignite-custom-portal, destroy-custom-portal)
Added maxWorldHeight option in the portal
Changed MinPortalHeight and MinPortalWidth to Portal.MinHeight and Portal.MinWidth
Changed world to World.Name and ration to world.Ratio


This version hasnt been tested fully so it might have some bugs.

Thanks to the beta testers in the dimensions discord server that helped me release this plugin way sooner than i would alone.