Dimensions | Custom Portals


The plugin by default is in the DEMO version. THE ONLY limitation of DEMO is that addons are disabled and cannot be used when a server has 10 or more active players. It does not affect the main functionality of Dimensions. (so in theory you have the full version if you server has less than 10 players)
This is used to help server owners & developers build their server without paying for the plugin or if they only play with friends.
If you wish to unlock the full version of Dimensions you will have to subscribe to PATREON DIMENSIONS SUBSCRIPTION and then link your account using /dim verify
After you have verified your account then you will be able to use addons when having more than 10 players online
If you dont want to pay a monthly subscription then you may purchase the lifetime full version of the plugin



Reviewing the plugin with a truthful description (whether the review is 1 start or 5-star) and sending me a message with the link you receive when you run /dim validate will grant you 3-months free trial without requiring you to do any extra actions.

DISCONNECTING PLAYERS [Read spoiler below]

In versions 1.19+ there might be a chance that your players get disconnect when near a lit portal. That is caused by sending wrong packets. Try updating protocolLib to the latest version (even for a more later version than you are currently at (e.x 1.19.3 protocolLib won't work and requires 1.19.4 ProtocolLib (as of now)) 

DEPENDENCIES [Read spoiler below]

ProtocolLib | ProtocolLib is a required dependency and is used to limit resource usage by Dimensions and better experience for your players

Examples of what is achieved by using Dimensions [Expand spoiler below]

This is a portal that a normal player built and ignited using flint & steel. Now they can enter the portal and travel to another world





Images by Sequacious - mc.matecraft.org

Useful links

  • Dedicated Website | Find editors to easily create portals, view published portals for idea exchanges and much more
  • Portal CreatorEasily create portals using the editor to skip editing files
  • Portal DatabaseGet ideas, download or publish your own custom portal configurations
  • Dimensions Wiki | Get information on how to use the plugin
  • Dimensions API Wiki | Visit the API wiki if you are interested in extending the features of Dimensions
If help is needed, you want to suggest an idea/request a feature or just chat, you can join the discord server
Feeling generous? If you like my work and you want to donate you can do it here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 7, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Jan 2, 2025
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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