With the DiaPusher plugin you can press with the help of pistons coalblocks to diamonds. It works in every direction and with every minecraft server version :D
Features of version 2.0: new coal states between coal and diamonds
2.1: you can burn char coal to coal
How to use: Set two pistons against on floor, two coal blocks between them. Then power the pistons and you´ll get a diamond. It also works standing, but don´t blockade any pistons, because maybe it wouldn´t work.
over 333 Downloads :D
More examples :D
Testet with Craftbukkit 1.7.2 R0.3
Commands, Permissions, and Configurations for V2.0 (Version 1.0: none)
Configuration | Value | Function |
CoalStates | name1//name2//name3 | sets the ingame names for the steps between coal and diamonds - more names = more needed blocks: 2^n |
CoalStates-diaBlock | true/false | get at the end diamond block instead of diamond? |
Did find one small bug on my server with the plugin, it's not a big deal though.
While using the plugin Precious Stones you cannot use this while inside of a protection field, it just acts normally and pushes the other piston out.
Also does the same thing while in the Nether and the End Worlds but that's not a big deal.
It does work fine in World Guard regions in the main world though!
Thanks :D
Works great with 1.7.9! Great plugin btw I'll be using this! :D