Socket Enhancements

Socket Enhancements: The Best Part of DiabloDrops

Tired of the same old items? I know I am! Socket Enhancements are the coolest and best way to upgrade your DiabloDrops items. We're adding so many features with Socket Enhancements that it's almost absurd - you can set enemies on fire, strike them with lightning, turn them into tiny little babies, or even set yourself on fire! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can even set yourself on fire.

Alright. v1.0 of DiabloDrops is shipping with this new feature called Socket Enhancements. These are, simply put, going to change the way that you use this plugin forever.

What are Socket Enhancements?

Like the sales pitch at the top mentioned, you can set enemies on fire, strike them with lightning, and turn enemies into babies. You can also slow enemies down or speed them up. You can steal their life as well. You can apply potions to them.

These things apply to you as well. You can set yourself on fire, strike yourself with lightning, be slown down, be sped up, have your life stolen and given to your enemies, and have potions applied to you. Here's one of the cool things about it - you can apply these things to yourself.

To explain this, I'll use the lightning enhancement. There are six basic levels of it: +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3. If you strike an enemy with a +1 Lightning sword, he will get struck by lightning one time. If you strike an enemy with a -1 Lightning sword, you will be struck by lightning one time. It continues on with things like fire. +1 Fire sets enemies on fire for one second, -1 Fire sets you on fire for one second. +1 Leech takes one health from your opponent and gives it to you, while -1 Leech takes one from you and gives to your opponent.

How Do I Get Socket Enhancements?

Well, first of all, in order to get them, you have to find a weapon that looks like this (they drop every once in a while, it's determined in your config.yml):


After finding one of those, you also have to find one of these:

Socket Enhancement

You then place the Socket Enhancement in the bottom of the furnace. After placing that there, put the unsocketed item in the top. It should look like this:

Socket Enhancement In The Furnace

Once you do that, it will smelt your item and enhance it. Using the first item ("Lunar Whale"), it will turn into this:

End Result

That's how you make a socketed item! It's very simple.

Am I able to add different enhancements?

Yes! You are. There's a file called "lore.txt" that you can add different enhancements to.


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