This plugin is designed to make the tedious tasks such as chat/config/command handling simple and unified. Think of it like the borg for bukkit.
What does this plugin allow me to do?
For Server Admins: This plugin will not do anything for you, unless you are developer and using its API. Otherwise it will sit in the background. For Developers: Plugin contains multiple api functions available to the developer, dealing with MySQL interaction, Player handling, Inventory handling, Chat handling, Econ handling (provided vault is installed), WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Mob handling, File Management, String Management, Time Management, and various others.
- The simplicity. Even if you do not use the Plugin and Command framework we provide, you still have access to a persistant MySQL Connection instantly, without having the Server admin configure the database multiple times.
- Within the Plugin framework, if the admin decides to enable it, it will profile the load times of all the plugins registered.
- Getting sick of building help files/pages, to go along with the plugin? The Command framework will take care of all that including all sub-command handling out of the box.
- Annoying at having to check permissions/check if its a player running the command? The Command framework will also do all of this for you.
deityapi: should_profile: true # Whether or not you would like to see load times on plugins inform_on_plugin_update: true # Whether or not you would like plugins to notify you if they update mysql: server: address: localhost # Change me to the address of your database server port: 3306 # Change me to the port of your database server database: name: kingdoms # Change me to the name of your database username: root # Change me to the username for your database password: root # Change me to the password for your database
- /Query [show/hide]: This command will show/hide console logging of all database queries. Can be used by anyone who is Op/players with the permission node "DeityAPI.query" or from console itself
Plugins that use this plugin
If your using the API for a plugin and it wont load or throw a ClassNotFoundException. Please message me with your plugin name and ill add it to the list
I have the same Issue as jprules10, how can I solve it? Can't find a plugin.yml
@jprules10 try and make a depend on this plugin in your plugin.yml
DeityAPI has a proprietary license, so I'm not able to release the updated source. The authors source is on GitHub, so if you search for it you can update it in the future yourself.
1.6.2-R0.2: Download
This build also removes the automatic updater for obvious reasons.
This is not a BukkitDev approved build, and has not been approved by the author. Use it at your own risk.
are you releasing the source to your custom version? I just want to look through it if you dont mind.
Thank you again! I'll do it properly this time xD
Custom build for 1.5.2-R0.1: Download.
This is not a BukkitDev approved build, and has not been approved by the author. Use it at your own risk.
This was actually just my fault in the end - Just posting this so users know ;) (My FTP didn't replace the file since it was in a different name)
Hi! I've already responded to your private message but I'll post the reason here incase anyone else encounters the same issue.
After looking at your paste, it seems that for whatever reason your DeityAPI.jar file wasn't replaced with the one you downloaded.
When the new one loads it will say "[DeityAPI] Enabling DeityAPI CUSTOM" rather than "[DeityAPI] Enabling DeityAPI v12.08.19".
Spoke too soon though, It didn't work for me:
And thank you too.
Custom build for 1.5.1-R0.1: Download.
Ah, yes, thank you very muchly
Thanks again.
Updated for 1.4.7-R0.1 #2602: Download.
I made an unofficial update for this plugin.
Download for CB 1.4.5-R1.0
Download for CB 1.4.6-R0.1
This will be not updated... this project is inactive....
This needs to be updated for 1.4.6.
You have to fill the config with the information of your MySQL database, At default settings the adress have to be an ip adress or localhost if you running the database at the same system. Port is your database port, at default settings it is 3306. Then you have to set your database name and a user which has access to the database. If you don't have mysql installed look here: