Console cluttered with useless information onEnable / Disable #100

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to donredhorse
  • _ForgeUser7442340 created this issue Dec 21, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Please provide any additional information below.

    I'm a bit annoyed by the fact that DeathTpPlus outputs a lot of lines at startup, please add a verbose_logging config option to minimize the amount of lines in the console.

    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Enabling DeathTpPlus v4.0.0.2488
    12:24:39 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] RemoveWhenEmpty is enabled. This is processor intensive!
    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] allow-wordtravel is: no
    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Keeping Experience on Quickloot is: true
    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Keep in mind it only works if people are quicklooting their TombStone!
    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Configuration v.4.0 loaded.
    12:24:39 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Config is up to date

    Why all this information from the config files? There is enough information in the config file itself, no need to output is here.

    12:24:40 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] You are running on an newer CB Version
    12:24:40 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] There might be issues, just letting you know
    12:24:40 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] You are running a testbuild for CB: 2488
    12:24:40 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] You are running an dev-build. Be sure you know what you are doing!
    12:24:40 [WARNING] [DeathTpPlus] Please report any bugs via issues or tickets!

    Okay so, I get why you're warning admins that they are using a dev build, but why use 5 lines to do so? Try to rephrase what you're trying to say to use a minimal amount of lines.

    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Loading death messages...
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Deathmessages v.4.0 loaded.
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Loading tomb messages..
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Tombmessages v.4.0 loaded.
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] [LOAD] Tombs loaded !
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Successfully loaded 0 TombStones for world New4
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Successfully loaded 0 TombStones for world New4_the_end
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Successfully loaded 0 TombStones for world New4_nether
    12:24:40 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Successfully loaded 0 TombStones for world New4_fish
    12:24:41 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] v4.0.0.2488 enabled
    12:24:41 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Vault detected
    12:24:41 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Checking ecnomony providers now!
    12:24:41 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Economy provider found: Essentials Economy
    12:24:41 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Enabling WorldGuard integration

    All this information shouldn't really be displayed, unless verbose_logging is enabled.

    For more information, check this post by TnT.

  • _ForgeUser7442340 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 21, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7442340 edited description Dec 21, 2012

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