Commands and Permissions

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Commands & Permissions

/dcShows list of commands and permissionsDeathCountdown.Command
/dc give <player> <time>Give a player more timeDeathCountdown.Command
/dc take <player> <time>Take time from a playerDeathCountdown.Command
/dc set <player> <time>Set a players timeDeathCountdown.Command
/dc check <player>Checks how much time a player hasDeathCountdown.Command
/dc setadmin <player> true/falseSets a player as adminDeathCountdown.Command
/dc checkadmin <player>Check if a player is adminDeathCountdown.Command
/dc setrevivable <player> true/falseSets a player as revivableDeathCountdown.Command
/dc checkrevivable <player>Check if a player is revivableDeathCountdown.Command
/dc revive <player>Revives a player which is bannedDeathCountdown.Command
/dc unban <player> <world name>Unbans a player from a world (if multiworld support is on)DeathCountdown.Command
/dc checkbans <player>Lists the worlds in which a player is banned from (if multiworld support is on)DeathCountdown.Command
/dc reloadReloads DeathCountdownDeathCountdown.Command
/dc listpermsLists the permission nodes DeathCountdownDeathCountdown.Command
/dctimeChecks how much time you have
/dctop <page number>Allows the player to see who has the most time on the server
Allows you to create DeathCountdown signsDeathCountdown.Sign


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