Please read this before using the plugin!

Q: What plugins conflict with Death Certificate?

A: No known plugins are strictly incompatible with Death Certificate. However, many can be used to exploit a feature of Death Certificate.

  • Book Duplicating Plugins: ex. PrintingPress Death Certificates can be duplicated. Not a huge deal, but that can't be fixed on my part - you'd have to contact the conflicting plugin's author.
  • Plugins that Add Custom Death Causes: ex. Tekkit? If a non-vanilla "thing" kills a player, the killer will be shown as Herobrine.

Q: What's stopping players from counterfeiting Death Certificates?

A: For one, Death Certificates make use of colors in the body and title, which is impossible to add in vanilla. Also, the title of the book cannot be legitimately named more than 16 characters: "Death Certificate" itself is 17 characters, so good luck to the forgers.

Q: I have a random-spawn server that people use /kill to find a better spawn on. How do I prevent the ground from becoming riddled with books?

A: Enable "IgnoreSuicide" in the config file.

Q: I'm capable of using proper grammar, won't be a jerk, and have an idea/found a bug in the plugin!

A: Great! Creating a ticket is the best option. I'll look at my PMs and comments, but I'd really prefer tickets.

Q: It doesn't work

A: Sucks to be you. Give me more information, or go nag the author of some other plugin.

Can I use the source code in my own plugin?

A: It's open source, so go ahead! I'd appreciate credit though :)