MobArena & DeadMansChest #17

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to tux2
  • _ForgeUser8782954 created this issue Apr 22, 2012

    Hi, spoken to Garbagemule creator of MobArena and have requested that he cancel DeadMansChests being created in MobArena regions.

    His reply,

    Lots of changes are currently being made to MobArena and its API, but your suggestion of disallowing placement of chests in the arena might seem like a good idea at first, but the problem is that no events are called when a plugin creates a new block, i.e. I would not be able to detect this in MobArena. It seems like a major workaround to the actual problem at hand, though.

    I suggest, instead, that you talk to the DeadMansChest developer, and ask him if he could add a region-feature, that would allow you to define regions where the plugin won't work. Sort of like "unsafe zones" or "danger zones" - that way, you could simply create a region like that around your arena, and it would solve the underlying problem without DMC having to hook into MobArena, and without me having to make a bunch of extra little hacks in my code :)

    If you contact the DMC creator, please report back what he has to say on the topic. Alternatively, he can use the new event system to create a DeadMansChestDeathEvent that is cancellable or something like that, so I can listen for it in MobArena and cancel it from there. This should be the last resort, I think, as the region-solution seems like it might solve other problems with other minigame plugins.


    With that said, your plugin is a vital plugin in my server and it would be sad to see it go if you cannot come up with some kind of fix.

    Thanks for your time.

  • _ForgeUser8782954 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 22, 2012
  • Tux2 posted a comment Apr 22, 2012

    Unsafe zones seems like an ideal solution, although it would be quite a bit of code to get it all implemented at this point in time. I've also used MobArena with DMC and in my experience the chest was placed in the spectator's area and was always empty. Which was annoying, yet not game play changing. I think that in the short run I will see about hooking into the MA API, although, as he said, it seems like the API is going through some changes at the moment. In the long run though I will see about defining unsafe zones. Either internally if worldguard isn't installed, or via worldguard flags.

    Edited Aug 15, 2012

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