Ever go out mining or fall into a pit of lava, or somehow die? Ever wish there was an easier way to find your stuff or that it stuck around longer after death? Introducing Dead Man's Chest! With non-destructive glowstone towers (configurable) with a configurable height so you can easily find your stuff! Best of all the glowstone doesn't drop anything when mined (default), so you don't have to worry about players dying just to get free glowstone! This is the official continuation of the PlayerChestDeath plugin on the forum. I have contacted the original author by email and have official approval to do whatever I want with this plugin.
- No death chest if the player doesn't have anything
- An option to require players to have a chest (or two for a double chest) in their inventory upon death to get a death chest.
- An option to have doublechest death chests! (with permissions support)
- Quick loot death chests!
- Death chests disappear instantly after being quick looted
- Permissions support!
- Option to have a non-destructive glowstone tower over your chest
- Configurable glowstone tower height
- LWC locking support
- Option to have death chests disappear after a certain time
- Option to have the rest of your items that don't fit in the chest drop on the ground naturally or to just disappear
- Very configurable!
Permissions (Defaults to everyone, unless otherwise noted)
- deadmanschest.freechest - If you have the option enabled that players must have a chest in their inventory to get a death chest, this one exempts this group from that requirement (Defaults to OPs only)
- deadmanschest.chest - Allows you to have a death chest.
- deadmanschest.drops - Allows anything that doesn't fit in the chest to drop naturally.
- deadmanschest.message - Announce this player's death.
- deadmanschest.lock - If LWC is enabled this player can get a locked chest.
- deadmanschest.beacon - Allows a beacon tower to be built for this player.
- deadmanschest.nodelete - Exempts this player's chests from being deleted. (Defaults to OPs only if no permissions detected)
- deadmanschest.loot - Allows the player to loot locked death chests not belonging to that player. (Defaults to OPs only)
- deadmanschest.doublechest - Allows the player to have a doublechest death chest. (Defaults to everyone)
Edit the Config.cfg file found in plugins/DeadMansChest
#Edit this file as needed. #Death Message must be true for the death message String to work!ChestDeleteInterval is in seconds. #NEW! Do players need a chest in their inventory to get a death chest? NeedChestInInventory=false #NEW! How often, in minutes, should we save the death chests? (Set to 0 to disable) ChestSaveInterval=5 # Should we lock chests with LWC LWCEnabled=true #Should the glowstone, chest and sign drop their respective items when mined? MineableDrops=false #Should we build a glowstone tower BeaconEnabled=true #And how high? BeaconHeight=10 #Should the beacon replace water/lava blocks as well or just air blocks? BeaconReplacesLiquid=true #Should we show a death message? DeathMessage=true #Put a sign on the chest with the player name? SignOnChest=true #If we are using LWC to lock the chest should it be a private lock or a public lock? LWCPrivateDefault=true #If death messages are enabled the string to display. DeathMessageString=died and left a chest where he died. #How long before the chest disappears and the items spill out in seconds. ChestDeleteInterval=50 #Should we drop any items normally that don't fit into the chest, or just remove them from the world. DropsEnabled=true #Should we delete the chests after a certain time frame? ChestDeleteIntervalEnabled=true #Should players be allowed to loot death chests when they sneak click on one? # Players can only loot their own chests if LWC protection is set to private # or to loot any chest with lwc they need the deadmanschest.loot permission node. ChestLoot=false #Do not change anything below this line unless you know what you are doing! version = 0.8
Seconded. (10 months later)
Are you able to add a feature so that if the chest is emptied by someone it automatically dissapears? Reason for this is I dont want a timer on the chest if it has items in it. But if the chest is empty it should be removed automatically
But if a player dies in other player's protected area? The owner can't get their item and the protected area's owner get it.
Hi guys!
I was able to make this compatible by recompiling with the new LWC and Bukkit 1.7.9 (not even sure if it was broken to begin with tho...)
Here is the file with source in the jar if ya'll want. I'm not completely sure of LWC compatibility, but I recompiled it with the latest LWC so hopefully that works too.
For programmers: This doesn't use Maven, you have to import the libraries manually [I KNOOOOOOO first world problems] but other than that runs great!CBpWUQYQ!3_ORaN6LffGxFzUGna3OX-rgugecsmptWQsLbi3f7KI
and its configurable
Please update this, at least when a 1.7 bukkit comes out :(
Is this project dead? It's not working with the 1.6.4 release, and users were able to blow up chests in 1.6.2 to get inside. Are there plans for a new release?
pretty sure that is 50 minutes default, if you notice the 5 minute save is just listed as 5, so time values are in minutes not seconds or ticks.
Am I reading this right? You have 50 seconds by default to get back to your chest before it is destroyed and the items end up on the ground?
Thanks for the updates guys. I've updated the compatibility information. I'll get the sign direction fixed next build.
This works on 1.6.2, one small error is the sign ends up facing the wrong way. If you disable signs though its fine.
Is this fine for 1.6?
Can you add coordinates where the player died? Beacon can be useful however it's best to add COORDS?
Please update this plugin to 1.5.2
I love this plugin and have used it for quite some time with no problems but the one Mre30 stated. I've tried multiple setups and no matter what the chest never gets deleted, looted or not.
For those of you concerned/wondering about 1.5.2 compatibility, this plugin fully functions with the current version of Bukkit and does not need to be "updated". (A fix for the chest vanish option and the wacky sign placement would be nice though...)
Thanks for the great plugin, Tux!
UPDATE THIIIS PLEASEE :(, this is a awesome plugin
Please update. So many good plugins that are now outdated, gah... I'll donate if you fix it!
Please update this :)
The quick-loot seems very temperamental. Sometimes you have to click all over the chest for 30 seconds before it will auto-loot it seems.
I'd also like more feedback if it somehow cannot place a chest, so there's less wondering what happened. I feel like it fails to place fairly often but I'm not sure of the causes.
Not sure if anybody wanted this but please add the ability to tp to the chest for money