
Deadend Brain


No matter what you do never execute any of my plugins commands from console directly. NEVER!(I will fix this in my next update lol forgot to do it now)

  • Always delete the config.yml on update. Then restore the settings with your backup!
  • This plugin makes players smarter. Meaning? They can do stuff like right clicking a piston and turn it into a sticky piston while holding a slime ball. Players can mine coal carefully with a golden pickaxe too. Chance for diamond included (0.1%).


  • Adds a use to emeralds! Craft that nasty Chainmail with Emeralds :3
  • Craft those Portal Frames easily... But not that easily :3 Check the screenshots!
  • Allow only the recipes you want that were added by the plugin by changing the config.yml

Version 0.5 Recipes http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=59&u=17750531

Version 0.6 Recipes (Added "Quick Fix Recipes"!) Use bones instead of sticks to craft a quickfix tool (the tool will be almost broken). This is useful if you're deep in a cave without wood and lots of bones :P http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=69&u=17750531


/db gravelToggles the gravel tweaking on or off
Break it with a golden shovel to always drop flint.
/db sandToggles the sand tweaking on or off
Break it with a golden shovel to always drop glass.
/db coalToggles the coal tweaking on or off
Break it with a golden pickaxe to drop the following Items
50% chance to drop 3 coal
40% chance to drop 2 coal
9.9% chance to drop 3 coal and 1 Cookie
0.1% chance to drop 1 Diamond
Fun fact: Diamonds come from compressed coal
/db pumpkinToggles the Pumpkin tweaking on or off
Right click a regular Pumpkin with a coal to turn it into a Jack-o-Lantern
/db pumpkinToggles the Mossy Cobblestone tweaking on or off
Right click a cobblestone with a seed to turn it into a Mossy Cobblestone
/db stickyToggles the Sticky Piston tweaking on or off
Right click a regular Piston with a Slime Ball to turn it into a Sticky Piston.
/db fenceToggles the Fences tweaking on or off
Right click a Fence with a Nether Wart to turn it into a NetherFence.
/db reloadReloads the config.yml.//


db.blocksPermission to toggle on/off all the blocks above


Sit on Stairs and Steps!

Right click on the item while sneaking and there you go!

All these work (All kinds of steps work)

http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=58&u=17750531 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=57&u=17750531

Block Intel


Check my other projects!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License

