DarkBrotherhood 2

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A complete rewrite of the original DarkBrotherhood plugin!


This plugin hasn't been approved by an administrator yet, so the normal download link isn't up at the current time. For those of you anxiously waiting for this plugin, you can download it here:


(Requires Java 7) http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp


  • ALL features can be enabled/disabled, allowing you to fine-tune DB2 to uniquely suit your server!
  • Shuriken now drop when they hit the ground, just like arrows!
  • Shuriken bounce off walls to hit enemies!
  • Shuriken are now separate items, and have their own crafting recipe! (see below)
  • Poison is now a separate item, and has its own crafting recipe! (see below)
  • The hunger bar can now represent energy, instead of the (annoying) chat-based energy bar!
  • Much easier for me to update!
  • No more bugs!
  • Features will be added with ease, meaning faster growth!
  • Much more customization for server admins!
  • ...and more!

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Ever wanted to be a stealthy assassin, climbing the walls of a royal castle to assassinate the king within? Or how about a parkour extraordinaire, leaping from treetop to treetop and building to building? Or what about a speedy ninja, utilizing shuriken, poison, and stealth to overcome your foes? With DarkBrotherhood, all of this is possible! DarkBrotherhood will give your players more freedom as well as MUCH cooler PvP on your server. You can use this plugin in many ways, but that's for YOU to decide!


  • Climb up walls!
  • Assassinate other players and mobs!
  • Throw shuriken!
  • Perform epic leaps of faith!
  • Poison your weapons!
  • Pick locks!
  • Hide stealthily in the shadows!
  • Utilize your Energy to maximize success!


  • /db - Shows all commands.
  • /db reload - Reloads the config.
  • /db energy - Shows your current energy (if not using hunger bar).


To climb, sneak and right-click a block that is considered climbable (climbable blocks are defined in the config). Your hands must be free (not holding anything) and if you aren't sneaking, or let go of sneak, you will fall to the ground. With some practice, you can scale entire buildings with ease! You can climb on the side of blocks as well as hang beneath them. To hang on a climbable block above you, simply sneak and right-click on the underside of it. As long as you are sneaking, you will grab onto the block and hang there. Practice this technique to move along the underside of a line of blocks! When climbing, to pull yourself up, just right-click on the top of the block and you will pull yourself up.

Shuriken (Throwing Stars)

To throw a shuriken, right click while holding it. Each shuriken does 1 heart of damage; however, on a successful assassination, it will do up to 4.5 hearts of damage.

Crafting Recipe: (The item in the middle, shown as flint in the picture, is replaced with whatever item you have set for "Shuriken Item" in the config.) Shuriken recipe


You can assassinate a mob or player by sneaking and attacking them from behind. This will deal extra damage.


Assassins can now hide in the shadows to be invisible to players and mobs! To go stealth, sneak in a dark area. [configurable light level] If you are able to sneak for a few seconds without taking damage, you will go stealth and be completely hidden!

Leaps of Faith

To perform a leap of faith, hold shift while you hit the ground (You can begin holding shift while falling. Just make sure its still held down when you hit the ground.)


To poison your weapon simply right click with the poison item in hand. The next mob or player you hit will be poisoned. The poison then lasts for a configurable amount of seconds, each second doing a configurable amount of damage.

Crafting Recipe: (The item in the middle, shown as a mushroom in the picture, is replaced with whatever item you have set for "Poison Item" in the config.) Poison recipe


Your skills use up Energy, which is displayed in the chat window by using the command /db energy. Energy restores over time, and restores twice as fast when you have full health. You can also get a boost of energy by eating sugar (configurable). The server admin can also set energy to be used as Hunger instead. If "Use Hunger Bar" is set to true, skills will decrease the players food level, and the food level will regenerate at the set energy restoration rate. NOTE: If the Hunger Bar is used for energy, the maximum energy level will automatically become 20, so if a skill uses 10 energy, that would use up half the hunger bar!


These permissions are only used if the UsePermissions value in the config is set to true. If UsePermissions is false, only OPs can use the features in this plugin. These permissions work with any permission plugin that Vault supports. You must have Vault on your server to use permissions!!!

  • DB2.climb - allows the player to climb.
  • DB2.shuriken - allows the player to throw shuriken.
  • DB2.poison - allows the player to use poison.
  • DB2.stealth - allows the player to go invisible.
  • DB2.leap - allows the player to make a leap of faith.
  • DB2.* - allows the player to use all features.

Known Bugs

This is currently a BETA release. There may be small bugs in the plugin, but it should mostly work fine. If you find any issues, please let me know so I can fix them.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 20, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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