
This is the configuration file for Damage Notifications.


# Damage Notifications 2.0.0 by ManosSef


# Do not change this.
config-version: 2


# Toggles the entire plugin on or off.
enabled: true


# Damage causes added to this list will not show messages in chat.
# Valid damage causes can be found here:
disable-messages-for-damage-causes: []


# Here you can set specific messages for specific damage causes.
# The example in the comment below shows you how.
# HOT_FLOOR: "&bYou walked into danger zone!"


# This is the fallback message for any damage causes that don't appear above.
default-message: "&aYou just took %cause% damage!"


# Toggles the extra message for block damage.
enable-block-message: true


# This is the extra message for block damage. %block% will be replaced with the name of the block.
block-message: "&aThe block that damaged you was %block%"


# Toggles the extra message for damage by entities.
enable-entity-message: true


# This is the extra message for damage by entities. %entity% will be replaced with the name of the entity.
entity-message: "&aThe entity that damaged you was %entity%"


If you want to use a color code in any string, type a '&' symbol (without quotes) and then the number or letter of the color codes. You can look up the color codes here: (formatting codes, like obfuscated and bold, are also allowed)