
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


DakEssentials is a lightweight alternative for Essentials. We all know how many features Essentials has, but how many of them do you really use on your server ? Probably something about 10-20%, and the 80% of its features are unused and they are consuming your CPU and RAM for no reason. Thats why DakEssentials are here. We bring you only the most used features of Essentials and in DakEssentials there are not any tasks, any timers, any useless listeners. Still not enough ? No problem, you can disable any command from DakEssentials and you can disable every single feature that you do not need to save even more performance of your resources. One more important thing this plugin has nothing in common with Essentials, everything in this plugin is written by my own fingers, I have NOT copied anything from the original plugin.
This plugin is originally designed for the GameTeam.cz network.

Hearts This is the latest build of DakEssentials, always use this button to download DakEssentials.


  • 0.001% CPU Usage
  • 1 Mb RAM Usage
  • Basic usefull commands!
  • Very lightweight plugin!
  • All features can be disabled/enabled!
  • No running tasks, no ram flood!
  • DakEssentials does not create files for every user, so its also very lightweight for disk!
  • Colored signs!
  • Warp system with warp signs
  • Ban system!
  • Kick system!
  • Mute system!
  • Broadcasting!
  • Healing with heal signs!/li>
  • txt formated motd that you can show to your players on login!
  • Allow to join players with permission on full server!
  • Check your real time server TPS by /lag or /mem command


(Click, that a link).


description: Shows basic help command.
/essentials reload:
description: Reloads all DakEssentials configs.
permission: essentials.reload.
/tp <player>:
description: Teleport command.
permission: essentials.tp.
/gm <0/1/2>:
description: Changes Gamemodes.
permission: essentials.gm.
/setwarp <warp>:
description: Ssves warp location.
permission: essentials.setwarp.
/warp <warp>:
description: Warps to the given location.
permission: essentials.warp.
permission: essentials.warp.warpname.
permission: essentials.warp.*.
description: Shows current TPS, total memory, free memory and allocated memory.
permission: essentials.lag.
description: Broadcasts message.
permission: essentials.broadcast.
description: Vanish!
permission: essentials.vanish
/mute <player>:
description: Player mute.
permission: essentials.mute.
/unmute <player>:
description: Player unmute.
permission: essentials.mute.
/ban <player>:
description: Gives ban to player.
permission: essentials.ban.
/unban <player/ip>:
description: Gives unban to player.
permission: essentials.unban.
/banip <ip/playername>:
description: Gives IP ban, if you enter nick it will ban his IP, if you enter IP it will ban entered IP.
permission: essentials.banip.
/speed <0.1 - 1>:
description: Displays speed, or set speed.
permission: essentials.speed.
/heal <player>:
description: Heals you or specified player.
permission: essentials.heal.
/clear <player>:
description: Clears your inventory or of specified player.
permission: essentials.clear.


DakEssentials DakEssentials

Additional Permissions:

essentials.* - Grants all permissions essentials.coloredsign - Allows you to write colors on signs!
essentials.joinfullserver - Allows joining on full server!
essentials.heal.others - Additional permission for /heal <player>

TO-DO List:

Coming soon:
Home system

Feature requests, issues and questions:

If you have any questions about my plugins post it in comments or shot me a PM here on Bukkit. Please remember that I am coding this public plugins in my free time for you guys. I have nothing from it and I am not payed to code this plugins, so be patient and grateful, thanks. Also if I helped you or you like my work please donate it will give me motivation :)


If this plugin helps you please feel free to donate and keep this project updated. I am coding public plugins in my free time for you guys!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 15, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Sep 19, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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