Getting Started

Getting Started


  1. Download the plugin (This should download a file named CustomTime-x.x.x.jar)
  2. Cut/Copy the jar.
  3. Navigate to your server folder, then into the /plugins/ folder.
  4. Place the jar there.
  5. Start up your server or restart it.


You first need a permission management plugin. If you have one, find out that plugin's commands for adding permissions to groups.

  • If you want a user to be able to use /ct help, add the permission node.
  • If you want a user to be able to check the multiplier for day/night and see approximately how long it should last, add the permission node.
  • If you want a user to be able to change the multiplier for day/night, add the ct.set permission node.
  • If you want a user to broadcast a message when changing a multiplier for day/night, add the ct.broadcast.broadcast permission node.
  • If you want a user to be able to see the broadcast mentioned above, add the ct.broadcast.view permission node.

View the full Permissions page


Time is split up into day and night, each lasting 10 minutes. Day and night have their own separate commands for changing how long they each last.

/ct day set [multiplier] or /ct day set [minutes]m


/ct night set [multiplier] or /ct day set [minutes]m


If I want day to last twice as long, I will type /ct day set 0.5, meaning daytime will move half as fast, and day will last 20 minutes instead of 10.

If I want night to go by 3-times as fast, I will type /ct night set 3.

You can also set exactly how many seconds, minutes, hours, or days (24 hours) you want it to last.

For example if you wanted day to last 5 seconds, you would type /ct day set 5s (Note the "s" after the number of seconds.)

If you wanted day to last 20 minutes, you would type /ct day set 20m (Note the "m" after the number of minutes.)

If you wanted day to last 2 hours, you would type /ct day set 2h (Note the "h" after the number of hours)

If you wanted day to last 1 day (24 hours), you would type /ct day set 1d (Note the "d" after the number of days)


You can use the world: argument to specify. (This is required if you are using CustomTime from the console! If you don't use the argument, it uses the player's current world.)

Example: /ct day set 20m world:world makes day last 20 minutes in the world named "world". Example: /ct day world:world will output the multiplier and estimated times for the world named "world".

View the full Commands page