## ==== General info ====# # * If a field have default value then the definition may be skipped.## * You can add your own explosives in this file but don't forget to# add they into 'enabled-explosives' list## * After editing of this file you need to check server logs to be# sure that no errors was appeared## * Default TNT parameters:# Delay: 80# Radius: 4,00# # * Explosions with radius greater than 16 destroy blocks extremally# uneffectively. There are definitely no way to destroy big amount of# blocks by single explosion.# Afterwards you can use 'effect' or 'seismic' features.### Show debug info#debug:false## Default material of service block.# There are some conditions for material:# - Material should not has gravity# - Material should be solid# - Material should not be transparent# Default value: SPONGE#service-material:SPONGE## Use permissions to allow placing, breaking, crafting this type# of explosive by <explosive-key># Permissions example:# customnukes.explosive.toy (lower case only)# # Possible values: true | false (default = false)#check-permissions:false# List of keys of enabled explosives# <explosive-key1># ...# <explosive-keyN>enabled-explosives:-Toy-Normal-Flash-Nuclear## ==== Explosives definition ====# Example:## <explosive-key>:# service-material: ### material of this block (default = SPONGE)# name: <String># description: (default = empty)# - <String1># ...# - <StringN># recipe: (see https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)# - <BlockId11> <BlockId12> <BlockId13># - <BlockId21> <BlockId22> <BlockId23># - <BlockId31> <BlockId32> <BlockId33># amount: <1..64> ### amount of items in recipe result (default = 1)# scenario: ### scenario that will be executed when explosive was# ### activated you can use one action several times # - <action-key1># ...# - <action-keyN># <action-key>:# type: explosion | effect | seismic | repeater# parameters: <effect-parameters> (* see description below)## <effect-parameters> type = explosion# min-delay: <2..1000> ### min delay before the action in server ticks# ### (default = 2)# max-delay: <2..1000> ### max delay before the action in server ticks# ### (default = 8)# radius: <0..320:float># destroy-blocks: true | false (default = true)## <effect-parameters> type = effect# min-delay: <2..2000> ### min delay before the action in server ticks# ### (default = 2)# max-delay: <2..2000> ### max delay before the action in server ticks# ### (default = 10)# radius: <1..5000:float># players-only: true | false ### apply to players only or to all# ### living entities (default = true)# effects:# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html# <PotionEffectType1># ...# <PotionEffectTypeN> # strength: <1..100> (default = 1)# duration: <1..6000> ### in avg-seconds## <effect-parameters> type = repeater# min-delay: <2..10000> ### min delay before the repeater will be# ### created in server ticks (default = 2)# max-delay: <2..10000> ### max delay before the repeater will be# ### created in server ticks (default = 60)# duration: <1..864000> ### in avg-seconds# interval: <20..6000> ### how often try to apply <scenario>, in server# ### ticks (default = 40)# scenario: ### scenario like in 'explosive' definition. but 'repeater'# ### as 'action-key' is forbidden. # # <effect-parameters> type = seismic# min-delay: <2..1000> ### min delay before the seismic-push will be# ### created in server ticks (default = 2)# max-delay: <2..1000> ### max delay before the seismic-push will be# ### created in server ticks (default = 8)# min-radius: <0..5000:float># max-radius: <1..5000:float># epicenter-explosion-power: <1..320:float># players-only: true | false (default = true) # attenuation: no | line | exp ### algorithm of attenuation in# ### dependency of distance to epicenter# ### (default = exp / exponential)## ==== Help ====# * 'avg-second' - is an average 1 second evaluated to 20 server ticks.## * All delays are consecutive. If two actions have following parameters:# Action#1:# min-delay: 2# max-delay: 20# Action#2:# min-delay: 10# max-delay: 30# Then possible scenario will be:# - Wait for random number of ticks between 2 and 20# - do Action#1# - Wait for random number of ticks between 10 and 30# - do Action#2# It means that Actions#2 will be executed between 10+2=12# and 20+30=50 ticks.# Toy:name:"ToyBomb"description:-"Damageradius:1"recipe:-SAND SAND SAND-SAND TNT SAND-SAND SAND SANDamount:8scenario:-explosion1explosion1:type:explosionparameters:radius:1Normal:name:"Bomb"description:-"Damageradius:8"recipe:-OBSIDIAN TNT OBSIDIAN-TNT DIAMOND_BLOCK TNT-OBSIDIAN TNT OBSIDIANamount:2scenario:-explosion1-effect1-explosion1explosion1:type:explosionparameters:radius:8effect1:type:effectparameters:radius:8effects:-CONFUSION-SLOWduration:30Flash:name:"FlashBomb"description:-"Flashradius:32"recipe:-GLOWSTONE_DUST TNT GLOWSTONE_DUST-TNT EYE_OF_ENDER TNT-GLOWSTONE_DUST TNT GLOWSTONE_DUSTamount:4scenario:-effect1-effect2effect1:type:effectparameters:radius:32effects:-BLINDNESSduration:30effect2:type:effectparameters:radius:32effects:-CONFUSIONduration:60Nuclear:name:"NuclearBomb"description:-"Damageradius:120"-"Thiscanchangetheworld."-"Becareful!"recipe:-GOLD_BLOCK TNT GOLD_BLOCK-TNT NETHER_STAR TNT-GOLD_BLOCK TNT GOLD_BLOCKscenario:-explosion1-effect1-seismic1-repeater1explosion1:type:explosionparameters:radius:16effect1:type:effectparameters:radius:120effects:-CONFUSION-SLOW-BLINDNESS-POISONduration:60seismic1:type:seismicparameters:min-radius:16max-radius:120epicenter-explosion-power:16players-only:falseattenuation:linerepeater1:type:repeaterparameters:duration:86400scenario:-effect1-effect2effect1:type:effectparameters:radius:90players-only:falseeffects:-WITHERduration:10effect2:type:effectparameters:radius:120players-only:falseeffects:-POISONduration:10
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