== Welcome to CustomItemDamage ==
This Plugin allows you to change the Damage of a specified item
This is very Good for PvP Servers to Increase or Decrease the Damage of the Items
- /cid <Item-ID:[Data]> <Damage in Half-hearts> Changes the Damage of the Item
- /cid reload Reloads Config
- cid.setdamage.[Item-ID]
- cid.reload
Servers that using this Plugin
- (Opening on 1.8.13)
I release an early Alpha in two weeks, its very buggy at the moment. I have to open my Lobby server where you can see the Plugin in Action!
Early Alpha Release of CID: 4.8.2013
Lobby Server Opening: 1.8.2013
add a permission node for "use" the changed item damage, cid.use.[item-ID] so players with the permission node for example custom item damage on gold axe get that changed amount of damage on the gold axe when using it, players who dont have it obviously have the default dmg for gold axe then when using it.
Little Information again:
I am working now on an Lobby Server for my Minigames that i will create
I have now 1 week holidays from my job so i got more time to code and finish the plugin
Here's an Little Information:
I doesn't have much time to develop this Plugin so the Plugin will take a while up to 1 - 2 Weeks eventually 3 Weeks.
I'll try to finish it fast ;)