

ServerName: SludgeCraft - Replace with your server's name. Is displayed at the top of the /help page.
Ranks: - List all your ranks here - DO NOT USE COLOUR CODES YET!
- Default
- Mod
ColouredRanks: - Once again, list all your ranks in the same order as you just did, but now you may use colour codes to your hearts delight!
- "&fDefault"
- "&1Mod"
Plugins: - Now you list the plugins your ranks each have access to.
Default: - Here is where you enter the rank.
- Factions - And here you enter all the plugins.
- MobArena
- Factions
- MobArena
- EssentialsMod
Commands: - Finally, we get onto what each plugin can do.
factions: - First we say what plugin we're talking about.
default: - Next the rank these commands are for.
- /f list - see a list of the factions - And the commands with their descriptions. Colour codes enabled here.
- /f show/who - shows faction information
- /f list - see a list of the factions
- /f show/who - shows faction information
- /f bypass - enable admin bypass mode - Here is why we have to list each rank's commands.


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