Custom Commands Made Easy

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Custom Commands Made Easy is a plugin which allows you to easily add commands for your server.


You can add up to 36 custom commands with:

  • a custom permission
  • up to 9 arguments
  • up to 9 command parts

The adding/managing/removing of the commands takes place ingame with a nice gui. There is no need to manually modify the config. Also each command can be activated and deactivated during game. The server doesn't has to restart to accept changes.



Each command can handle up to 9 arguments. When creating the command you can decide what the input should be. There are four options: String, integer, decimal and player. When a player tries to perform the command, the plugin checks if there are some wrong or not enaught arguments to match the pattern.



To make your command actually work you have to assign command parts. These are vanilla commands or commands that are providet by other plugins. When performing the custom command, each of its command parts will be executed. You can decide if they are executed by the player or by the console (In case the player doesn't has enaugh permissions to do it)

So some things have to be added: when putting '@p' into the command part, it will get replaced with the name of the sender. And to make the arguments useful, add '@' followed by the index of the argument (starting at 0).





-> opens the command manager gui


An example

Command name: item

CommandPart (Inserted when creating the command): give @p minecraft:@0 @1

CommandPart is marked as Executed as console (because the player has no permission to do /give on his own)

Arguments are defined as following: Argument 0: [string], Argument 1: [integer]

Player (named DerDonut) enters command: /item stone 32

Plugin converts command: /give DerDonut (@p) minecraft:stone (Argument 0) 32 (Argument 1)

-> DerDonut recives 32 stones



If you need a more detailed tutorial, you found a bug or you have ideas on how to improve the plugin, feel free to contact me.


Plugin available for minecraft version 1.8 and 1.13, but I'm sure there are other versions which will run it too. If not tell me and I make the plugin available for the version you want it.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 27, 2019
  • Last Released File
    Jul 14, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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