


Hey, Searching for a CustomChannels to add 4 more channels for your staff and donators in-game?

Well here it is!


Project is now open-source check my github page for it here!



Click here for Changelog!


This plugin adds 4 Chat Channels and does NOT change the regular chat form



Upcoming Updates:

- Lang.yml file! File comes in en_US (English) You will make your own translations.


lang.yml file progress (46%). Soon will be out!, KEEP WAITING!.


Default Config:

# Made By RedstonedLife
# Inspired By Private Messages in game
# Version: 0.0.11_alpha

#CustomChannels Main Options
Spyable: true

#Donator Chat
DonatorChatFormat: "&e&lDonator {DISPLAYNAME} &7&l>> {MESSAGE}"
DonatorChatPermission: true
#Staff Chat
StaffChatFormat: "&c&lStaff {DISPLAYNAME} &7&l>> {MESSAGE}"
StaffChatPermission: true
#Regular Chat will be the same

 Here is a little explanation about the config


Spyable when enabled will allow the console to see the chat's in the private chat's


DonatorChatPermission when enabled will require the players to change their channel to Donators

StaffChatPermission when enabled will require the players to have to change their channel to Staff

TwitchChatPermission when enabled will require the players to change their channel to Twitch

YouTubeChatPermission when enabled will require the players to change their channel to YouTube


DonatorChatFormat is how the chat will look in the channels. The default format is visible in the upper section of the paragraph or on pastebin here!


StaffChatFormat is how the chat of the Staff channel will look. The default format is visible in the upper section of the paragraph or on pastebin here!


TwitchChatFormat is how the chat will look in the channels. The default format is visible in the upper section of the paragraph or on pastebin here!


YouTubeChatFormat is how the chat of the YouTube channel will look. The default format is visible in the upper section of the paragraph or on pastebin here!



OnJoin if player never played before it will add him to the database (players.yml)

OnChat if you chat it will display it in the specific channel you are in.



The plugin was tested in a server without any plugins!

Any issues reported will be amazing!


Ideas for update 0.1:

2 New Channels: 

- YouTube & Twitch

New Features:

- Reset Players Channel if needed!

- Remove Player from database if needed!

- All features will be added to controlpanel gui in-game for players!


Permission List: - For Staff Channel - For Donators Channel - For Twitch Channel - For YouTube Channel

cc.* - Control Panel Permission.




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