
This plugin allows you to set a custom message that is displayed to a player when they are banned. The message is fully configurable in the config and this plugin is compatible with any banning system based on the Minecraft one (including Essentials). This is handy if you want players to know where they can appeal their ban or other information.

I will also be programming custom plugins starting at $10. PM with the concept of the plugin you want and I will give you an estimate.


Here is what a permanent ban looks like: Permanent Ban Screenshot

Here is what a temp ban looks like: Temporary Ban Screenshot


There are no permissions in this plugin


There are currently no commands in this plugin. This is because this plugin simply hooks into the Minecraft Server ban list (which is also what Essentials uses). I do plan to add some commands in a future update that will allow administrators to configure the plugin from the game, rather than having to manually edit the config.

Variables (Used in Config)

BAN_TIME - Can be used on any line in the ban message. The value will be how much longer the player is banned or "Indefinitely" if no ban end time was specified when the player was banned.

Support this Plugin

If you enjoy this plugin and would like to support there are many things you can do and anyone of them would be greatly appreciated:

  1. Check out some of the other stuff I have created. (in the "My Other Stuff" section)
  2. Share this plugin with people you know and on forums
  3. Give suggestions for this plugin in the comments
  4. Subscribe to my YouTube channel
  5. Follow me on Twitter @Glorif22
  6. Donate

My Other Stuff

Below is some other things I have programmed. If they look interesting to you please check them out, I am always happy to receive feedback on what I create!

Minecraft Mods:

Bukkit/Spigot Plugins:

If you enjoy please post in the thread and share with people you know.

Planned Features

  • A command to change the message as an alternative to editing the config manually

Source Code

I have posted the source code to this plugin on my Github. Please note that it is only for education purposes and I do not permit cloning of my mods or plugins. The repository is below:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 4, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 8, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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