Knokko's Custom Items
Note: this plug-in requires a different installation procedure than most other plug-ins. You really need to check the installation section or one of the tutorials.
This plug-in allows the owners and developers of servers to create custom items with their own textures. (It requires a server resource pack.) Everyone who would like to use this plug-in needs to download the Editor and use that to create their own custom item set.
- Download and run the Editor. Editor.jar can be found in the Files section. If you have a working Java installation, you can just download and double-click this file. If not, you can either install Java or download a native version of the Editor from
- Put this plug-in (CustomItems.jar) in your plug-ins folder
- Configure the items and textures you want (in the Editor)
- Click on the Export... button, and follow the steps (in the Editor)
If you need more detailed information about these steps, you can ask for help on the Discord server.
Discord server
Invite link:
New tutorials:
Old basic tutorials:
Old advanced tutorials:
Custom containers (video):
Wands and guns (text): items/tutorials/wands and guns/index.html
If you can, use /kci debug
If that doesn't work, check whether CustomItems is listed in /plugins
-Custom items with their own display name, lore, attribute modifiers and textures
-Custom tools with their own damage and durability
-Custom bows with their own damage, speed and durability
-Custom armor with their own armor value and other attribute modifiers, unfortunately without model texture.
-Crafting recipes that can use vanilla ingredients and custom items (or combined)
-Block & mob drops for custom items
-Custom containers (like a custom furnace, but much more powerful, unfortunately without block texture)
-Custom projectiles with custom wands to launch them
-Custom blocks (but still in beta)
Check the wiki for more information.
Source code (programmers only)
In reply to magepals678:
It is planned to be added someday, but not soon.
In reply to knokko:
Sorry for another question but would it be possible to make it so the editor can pull all .png's from a folder rather than doing it per file? That would save loads of time for mass amounts of items.
In reply to magepals678:
Ok, I could add that someday. In the meantime, you should make sure your editor is in the same folder or close to the folder with the images (the filechooser always starts in the folder with the editor, so this should speed things up).
Is it possible to add a feature of not changing the armor icon i have to edit it manualy.
and is it possible to hide the dyed flag?
it ruins the immersion.
I think i Half Fixed the issue.
In reply to Forge_User_88942435:
Which armor icon? The texture you see when you have it in your inventory?
Regarding the 'Dyed', you might be able to hide it using one of the item flags (try them all and hope that one helps). If not, I'm afraid you can't do anything about it (except not using leather)
In reply to knokko:
yes if im using leather armor recollors i dont need to change the model files only the collor and stats. and the leather will just work.
but for chainmail, iron, gold and diamond this could be applied too if you have your own textures and just want it craftable.
I do still have a little issue, i cant add playerheads anywhere.
Would it be possible to use a playerhead as a item, block or helmet trough your recepie creation?
im almost done compressing all vanilla materials into leather, and adding Emerald, Netherite, and End armor in 1.15.2
if you'dd like i can share it here it could save people a lot of time if they want more armors too.
In reply to Forge_User_88942435:
Player head custom items are on the list of stuff to do, but have little priority because few people asked for it.
And I am curious about the armors you are making, so please share them!
In reply to Forge_User_88942435:
Ok i think i finished my initial version 5 additional armor tiers 3 new tool and weapon tiers.
While keeping the original items avalible in the game and craftable.
no additional plugins required altough i suggest to add whither skulls, dragon skulls and end crystals to a shop you need to kill a lot of bosses to make the the last 3 tiers of armor.
Disclaimer: i did not have the time yet to test everything if i made a error. you might need to change it yourself or w8 till i tested all stats.
The texturepack and cis+cisb+txt
The Excel sheet i used to keep info in one screen
feel free to use copy steal this pack, i only ask you improve on it :P
im getting this error msg in the server and im lost.
could you please help.
i tried creating a basic item in 1.5.2 i have the 2 plugins it needed installed.
and i have made custom items by hand before so i should not have done something stupid.
[18:32:53 ERROR]: Failed to load the custom item set plugins\CustomItems\world.cis
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown item set encoding: 5
at nl.knokko.customitems.plugin.set.ItemSet.<init>( ~[?:?]
at nl.knokko.customitems.plugin.CustomItemsPlugin.loadSet( ~[?:?]
at nl.knokko.customitems.plugin.CustomItemsPlugin.loadSet( ~[?:?]
at nl.knokko.customitems.plugin.CustomItemsPlugin.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176] at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.init( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-176]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_251]
PS: in your third screenshot you show collored leather armor.
heres a fix for your issue with it.<overlay.
In reply to Forge_User_88942435:
It looks like your Custom Items plugin is out of date... Are you using the newest version?
In reply to TechWizzart:
Ohh god i did do something stupid, You're completely right i ruined your time sorry.
no errors it should be working now THANKS!
hello i was wondering if theres a way for projectiles to cast potion effects when it hits a target? if not then i definitely think itd be a cool thing to add if possible. im having a surprising amount of fun running around and hitting mobs with my custom wand, thank you for contributing to my happiness. i cant wait to hit my friends when theyre on the server. in a bit more seriousness though this is a really fun plugin!! im using it on a private server with a couple friends and i plan on making a lil wand shop in our witch town. ill definitely have to think of more custom things to make to add to our little world. im already forming evil plans to make ridiculous items to torment my friends with
In reply to oosooc:
First of all, I'm glad you like it and impressive you understood custom wands without any help ;)
Second, I wonder why I didn't think about potion effects on projectile impact...
I will add that someday, but don't know when yet. In the meantime, you can use custom bows with on-hit target effects (those effects will be given to players hit by its arrows)
In reply to knokko:
the tutorials helped a lot! that and a bit of trial and error was enough for me to figure out. i think itd also be pretty neat to add a lil swoosh sound effect to wands but i have no idea how possible that is so its only an idea. also i noticed that the wands make the hoe sound effect still when you hit dirt with it, in case thats something you havent noticed. its not a big deal for me but its just something to note! good luck on your plugin making journey!!
In reply to oosooc:
Adding a sound for wands should be possible, nice idea.
Preventing the hoe sound for grass and dirty is probably not possible, but you can work around it by using shears as internal item type instead of hoes (but... well... that will give you a similar problem with the shearing sound)
In reply to knokko:
Wouldnt it be possible to use "carrot on a stick" for this and just replace that sound.
the item is not used much anyway or a wooden hoe that no one crafts.
In reply to Forge_User_88942435:
The carrot on a stick had other undesired side effects, but I don't remember it exactly. Probably due to pig follow behavior...
it seems don't support custom block textures? will you support it? and the editor can't use chinese normally,could you fix it?
In reply to like_wind484:
Blocks are a future feature, but not there yet.
I will look into Chinese characters, never tried it...
In reply to knokko:
ok,thank u