

Version: 2.0


Permissions | Color Codes



cTablist is a plugin which prints your name in the tablist in a color. You can use any color you want. Of course italics and other fonts are supported. Only what you need is a permission plugin like PEX. You need to put the permission node in your group and you will have a colored name in the tablist.



- Colored names in the tablist

- Change the admin/op color/font in the config

- Change the default color in the config

- Name will be shorten if it´s is too long (Choose how much characters will be shorten)

- Any colors you like. (For example: Dark_Red, Aqua,...)

- Any fonts you like. (For example: Italics, underlined,...)

- Super easy

- You only must have a permission plugin like PEX


How does it work:

1.) Put in your permission group the permission you like. You find the permissions HERE.

2.) Reload the permissions.

3.) Wait 3 seconds and you will see your (new) color. If not, please rejoin the server.


Interesting Infos:

In the config and in the permission nodes, Dark_Red is darkred. So just write it as one word.

You will find all permission nodes and names for the config ingame. Just type /ctl



No big bugs at the moment ;)



- A lot of bug fixes

- Maybe other great features :)


License/Anything else:

You are permitted to download and use this plugin but you are not permitted to earn money with that plugin or upload that plugin. All rights reserved! Aaand...have a lot of fun with cTablist! :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 13, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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