


CrystalQueset is a PvP-based minigame where your goal is to get as many crystals for your team as possible in a certain amount of time. Smash EnderCrystals, collect power-ups and smash other people to get more crystals. The team with the most amount of crystals (points) wins. This plugin will provide you this wonderful minigame and will automate everyting for you. I found that it is actually a pretty addictive game according to our testings and hope you guys will enjoy the game too.:)

A more extensive description can be found at the Wiki, just hit the button above

I have also created a custom map with a couple of preconfigured maps. This map is also featured in the video down below. You can download it here.

This plugin requires the server to run at least Java 8.


  • Fully automatic arena management
  • Lots of power ups to boost up gameplay
  • Economy/shop system to be rewareded for your skills
  • Dynamic lobby signs
  • Make your own classes
  • Customize classes with abilities and magical wands
  • Inventory GUIs
  • Protect your arenas
  • Spectator mode
  • Almost everything is customizable
  • Double jumps
  • An API for plugin developers
  • Tab completion for commands
  • And probably a lot more...

CrystalQuest Overview


Showcase By VariationVault
A quite accurate explanation By PDawgWoolf
Gameplay video By mcpeachpies

How to install

  1. Download the version of CrystalQuest you'd like to have on your server
  2. Place the .jar in the plugins folder
  3. You're now ready to go! You can customize CrystalQuest in config.yml

Update Checker

This plugin utilizes Gravity's update checker to notify when a new version of CrystalQuest is out, it will not automaticly download the new version. It also notifies the admins (with the crystalquest.admin permission) that a new version is available. This can be enabled/disabled in the config.yml. To disable update-checking, set updates.check-for-updates to false. To disable admin notifying, set updates.notify-admin to false.

Known Bugs

  • [v1.3.3-] /cq maxplayers sets the minplayers instead of the maxplayers. Workarounds: wait for the v1.3.4 release, or manually set it in the data.yml when the plugin is disabled.
  • [v1.3.1] /cq setlobby is not a registered command making the usage of this plugin without a previous setup useless. Workarounds: update to v1.3.2+ or manually add the following line to your data.yml with filled in coordinates. Edit this file after disabling the plugin, otherwise the settings will get overwritten.
    lobby-spawn: WORLDNAME%X%Y%Z%PITCH%YAW

Please make a issue if you found a bug. This would really help me improving the plugin. :)

Upcoming Features

  • For v1.4, Minecraft 1.13.
  • See this tweet for the intermediate list of changes.
  • Ideas will always be considered! Please leave an issue if you know a new feature (choose the "enhancements" type). You can also contact me via Twitter.

Do you want to be always up to date to the latest developments? Do you want to ask me anything? Follow me on Twitter @CaneyDearie!

Tips and Tricks

  • If you don't spawn after the countdown ended and you have Essentials enabled, make sure you have unsafe enchantments turned on.
  • Don't be shy with the items! The items make the game. You can use around 12 itemspawns for an arena like "Park" (Test map) and all will be perfectly fine.
  • Make sure you have the latest server software installed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The permissions do not work! A: They do. In fact, you probably didn't take your time reading the wiki...

Q: My players can't choose a kit. A: Make sure the players have the right permission (crystalquest.kit. or crystalquest.kit.* for all kits).

Q: All players get killed/items don't get despawned/something else arena related. A: Make sure the arena is protected.

Q: Could you add XXX? A: Please make an "enhancement" issue.

Q: Help, everyone crashed! A: This has probably to do with the "NameTagEdit" plugin. Update, or remove this plugin will fix this problem.

Q: I found bug XXX, please help! A: Please make an Issue on the issue tracker containing your data.yml and your config.yml (in pastebin or something similar) and make sure you describe the problem sufficiently. Also make sure to include other important information.

Q: I love your plugin. You're the best! A: Thank you :) Take some of my tenderest beef! Beef

Help me testing

If you would like to help me testing CrystalQuest, you can find the latest development builds on the wiki. Please note that these builds are completely unsupported by BukkitDev and downloading these are at your own risk.


If my months of work have made your day so vigorous that you want to give something in return, you can hit the donate button in the menu bar to show me your love <3


If you'd like to say/notice/talk or whatever to me, you can always send a PM, mail me to [email protected] or tweet me @CaneyDearie. This can be good stuff, bad stuff or just silly talk (I'm always in for it).

Other Plugins

Other plugins made by me:



Twitter: @CaneyDearie


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 22, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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