

Originally made this in about 5 minutes for a friend of mine who plays with no sound and kept destroying the world because he had no idea creepers were about to blow up near him. The idea has expanded slightly since then.

It sends the user a chat notification saying [Creeper Alert] if they are being targeted by a creeper. It also does some other wacky stuff if you're into that sort of thing.


CreeperNotify.notify or OP (can also use none at all in the config)


CreeperNotify Configuration:
   Use Permissions: true       
//If set to false, everyone gets notifications.
   Require creeper radar tool for notifications: false     
//If set to true, only players with the tool will get notifications
   Creeper radar tool ID: 345      
//The radar tool (if enabled. recommend compass)
   Play sound on notification: true     
//Play an attention-grabbing sound when a creeper notification is sent.
   If player has a compass, track the creeper location with it: true   
//Makes the compass actually work like radar
   Endermen jam the creeper radar: false     
//This is a beta feature that needs more testing.  Use at your own risk.

Version History

v0.0.8 Beta

  • 2 years later I have fixed the spamming issue :)

v0.0.7 Beta

  • Added option to play a sound when creeper notify goes off. Definitely gets my attention!
  • Attempted fix for potential NPE error


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 12, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 10, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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