
At first glance, this would seem a lot like just another kits plugin. However, it's so much more. CreeperKits aims to bring you what only Essentials almost did. It features dynamic creation, with kits editable both in-game and through the config. All permissions can be custom or even taken from another plugin, and they, too, are editable both ingame and in the config. Kits do not replace inventories, making them perfect for survival or Factions servers, and it's extremely easy to get started.


  • /kit <name>: This one is pretty self-explanatory. Gives you the kit with the specified name. You must have permission in order to get this kit.
  • /kitcreate <name> [permission [cooldown]]: No, I did write that correctly. This creates a kit with the specified name. It does not need either permission or cooldown, but needs permission for cooldown. When typed, this will open an inventory where you place the items for the kit. Closing it creates the kit.
  • /kitedit <name>: Re-opens the /kitcreate inventory. Any changes made will be reflected in the kit when the inventory is closed.
  • /kitremove <name>: Deletes a kit.
  • /kitlist: Lists all kits. If you open the chat and mouse over the kit's name, it will show the permission and cooldown.
  • /kitpermission <name> <permission>: Changes the kit's permission.
  • /kitcooldown <name> <cooldown>: Changes the kit's cooldown.


  • creeperkits.create: Allows creation of a new kit.
  • creeperkits.edit: Alows editing of a kit.
  • creeperkits.remove: Allows removal of a kit.
  • creeperkits.changepermissions: Allows changing of a kit's permission.
  • creeperkits.changecooldown: Allows changing of a kit's cooldown.
  • creeperkits.bypasscooldown: Allows bypassing of a kit's cooldown.

Config Config's pretty self-explanatory. I have provided an example kit, with everything I could think of included, under example-kit. Kits go in a list under kits.


  • 1.0.0: Posted! YAY!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 26, 2014
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