Did you play survival games and saw that some servers had crates that fall from the sky? Ever wanted those on your server? Well this plugin enables that for you!
(These don't randomly fall from the sky though, I might add that as a future feature)
What are crates?
If you have never played survivalgames, then crates are like retextured chests, but they are easier to store and you can place them together in any pattern (like 3 right next to eachother)
You can also open them if there is a block above, incase you need to put one in a small space.
How to use it
There are 2 ways of creating a crate, the first way is to shift+right click a chest, it will turn the chest into a crate and transfer its items too!
The 2nd way is to craft one, the crafting recipe is shown below:
(If the image is not loading, then the recipe is the same as making a chest but with a stick in the middle) Note: The crate looks like the front of a piston
You can configure the plugin in the config.yml located in the plugin's folder.
It should look like this:
CreationMethods: Stick: Enabled: true ID: 280 Crafting: Enabled: true Recipe: - WWW - WSW - WWW - W = Wooden Planks, S = Stick, C = Chest
Known bugs
Currently none
can u update the plugin?pls thanks
Does it have its own permissions or de the Crates permissions work as well?
How do I open the crate, If its right clicking it it doesnt work ._.
Did you have permission from the creator?
my new update for this plugin:
Use PhatLoot
Uptaded Plugin by me in Eclipse
Download Link:
LWC Locked Crates?
Also add a recipe for the MHF_Chest Player head. It has a chest texture as head, is made by mojang so the skin doesnt change, and could also be used as a kind of Chest ;)
i cant find it anywhere on youtube and this guy below me VvV posted an update link n the moderater deleted it!!!! HELP! plz ASAP!!1
hey guy your plugin it's in 1.6.2 and I want to install in my server but wait... I UPTADE YOUR PLUGIN TO 1.7.2 AND HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH USE I PUT IN MY SERVER AND IT'S ALL WITH NO BUGS!
Here the secure download in mediafire: <link removed by a moderator>
You think you can update it so the crates can fall randomly from the sky with random items inside of them that can be configurable? (But the item you put in config doesn't always be the item in the crate)
I agree, I need this for move craft lol
Please add a random falling from the sky feature! And its one of the best plugins I have found so far!
Needs updating to 1.6.4, LITERALLY 1 line of code @Crypti0n
Hi, I have got a Craft Bukkit server, And I am interested in this plugin. However, At the moment I have a plugin call "Survival Games" And the plugin doesn't work with this one. Is there a different Survival Games plugin that uses this one?
can you add a command that spawns them in?
Nope, used in 1.6.2. a time ago.